A:Hi, I'd like two tickets to Provindence, please.
嗨,我要兩張到Provindence的票, 謝謝。
B:Sure,what time will you like to depart?
A:What time does the next train leave?
B:Actually, one just left ten minutes ago. The next one is at two forty-five, decates at five thirty-five.
A:Ok, could you give me two tickets for that?
B:Sure, that will be thirty-two dollars please.
A:Excuse me, when is the next train to Los Angeles?
B:10 fifteen a.m.
A:Can I get the ticket here?
B:Sorry. You have to buy your ticket at the next counter.
A:Thank you.
A:Good, morning! Can I help you?
B:Good morning. Could you tell me the times of trains to London, please?
A:Yes. There are trains at 7 fifty-nine, 9 eigtheen, 10 thirty-two and 11 fifty-five.
B:What time does the 7 fifty-nine get to London ?
A:At 9 thirty-six. And the 9 eigtheen gets to London at 9 fifty-five, the 10 thirty-two at 11 nine.
B:What about coming back? I'd like to come back about 7 p.m.
A:There's one at 19 and the next is at 19 forty.
B:Mmm, how much is it?
A:Single or return?
B:Return, please.
A:If you get on before 4 p.m. or after 6 p.m. there is saver return which is $ 9.45, an ordinary return is $ 15.
B:An ordinary return, please.
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