A: I was wondering if you could help me to get a library card.
B: Of course, just fill out this form and let me know when you are finished.
A: I'm finished.
B: I will also need your driver's license; hand me the filled-out form, please.
A: OK, the form is all filled out.
B: Perfect! Do you know the hours and rules for the library?
A: No, I have no idea what they are.
B: Everything you need to know is printed on the card and handout.
A: Yes, right.
B: Great! You are all set to enjoy the library.
A: I've never seen a machine like this before and need some help.
B: Sure, no problem. What are you trying to get?
A: I want to buy a drink.
B: OK. This machine needs you to use that change machine first to get correct change.
A: I've got the correct change already.
B: First you put your money in the dollar slot or the coin slot. The dollars have to besmooth.
A: OK, what next?
B: Just know that sometimes the money doesn't go in perfectly the first time and you have to try again.
A: OK, next?
B: Choose what you want and push the button. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries.
A: I agree with you.
B: Hope that works for you!
A: Man, I'm hungry. Do you know a good place to have lunch?
B: Yes, I know a great place. What types of food do you like?
A: Mexican, Japanese or Chinese would be great.
B: Oh, I know a place where you might like to eat.
A: Is it close by?
B: It's down a block on the right; can I show you the way?
A: OK, I'd love the company.
B: This will work out well. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
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