


  A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for the Museum.

  B: Boy, you are lost. It’s across town.

  A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?

  B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.






  Emma:Excuse me. Excuse me?


  Emma:Is there a Police Station near here﹖

  Hugh:Ah...police station﹖ Yes? there is. Yes. Let me just think.

  You want to go straight on straight down this road for about a mile.

  Emma: Aha.

  Hugh:And then you turn right at some traffic lights...yes traffic lights...turn right. Go straight on...and then you turn

  left at a roundabout. There's a big church on the corner.


  Hugh:And the police station is next to that.


  Hugh:Is that clear﹖

  Emma:I think so.

  Hugh:OK-good? Bye.



  埃瑪: 對不起,打攪一下。

  休: 啊?

  埃瑪: 這附近有警察局嗎?

  休: 啊……警察局?是的,有一個,是,我想想。你沿著這條路一直走,大約一英里。

  埃瑪: 好的。

  休: 然後在訊號燈處向右拐……是,訊號燈……向右。一直走……在環島向左。拐角處有一個大教堂。

  埃瑪: 啊……

  休: 警察局就在它旁邊。

  埃瑪: 啊……好的……好的……

  休: 清楚了嗎?

  埃瑪: 知道了。

  休: 好,再見。

  埃瑪: 謝謝……再見。


  A: excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?

  B: sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there.

  A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t?

  B: yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?

  A: yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?

  B: that’s right. Drive back to the traffic rights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t miss it. Turn left at the hotel.

  A: so, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.

  B; then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you.

  A; ok. Got it. Thanks for you help.

  B: no problem.