探險英語對話1:Do you like to go on adventures
Hanna: I'm Hanna from Australia.
Diego: And I'm Diego from Mexico.
Hanna: And today we're going to be talking about adventures. Do you like to go on adventures Diego?
Diego: Yes, I would love to go on an adventure and I've actually thought about it ever since I was younger.
Hanna: What were you thinking about?
Diego: Well, I like the sea and I like sailing and I love my friends so I want to take a huge boat, preferably a yacht, around the world with all my friends and go to these exotic islands around the world.
Hanna: Oh really, can I come?
Diego: Of course.
Hanna: Excellent.
Diego: Would you like to come?
Hanna: I'd love to go on a yacht. I think we should go.
Diego: I think we should do it.
Hanna: Yep.
Diego: What's your adventure?
Hanna: My adventure? I'd really like to go into space. I think that might be little bit expensive though, so I think going on a yacht is probably a better idea.
Diego: I think so. But .... has those flights to space, I think.
Hanna: Oh well maybe when I'm very rich then.
Diego: OK.
why did you go yesterday?
Tom; Oh,Bella and I went
climbing,feeling very exciting!
is very dangerous,I
Tom:it was nothing,that our security is very good,the next time
we go together!
you,I still feel like mountain climbing,
well,you know I don't like that kind of adventure.
did you do yesterday?
play the game at home yesterday,but in the game I quite adventurous with a smile
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