一公司服飾規定Our company dress code
AEven if our company didn't have a dress code, I still think people would wear formal clothing to work.
BI wouldn't be so sure... People want to wear what they feel most cofortable in.
AMaybe that's ture for some positions, but I think the marketing and sales staff would definitely not agree. They dress for success! You can't go out on a sales call if you are dressed in jeans. It's just not respectful to you client.
BI think what you wear is so overrated. I would rather have a down-to-earth, honest and solid sales person than a painted, patent leather, designer suite salesman.
AIt's not as simple as that. People judge you by your appearance, whether you like it or not. So dressing professional is being prefessional. The image that you portray to others is so important in business. It's your image and how others perceive you that makes the difference between landing or lossing a sale.
BMaybe you're right, but I'll take my sneakers and jeans any day!
AThe company is selecting three employees to attend the marketing seminar next month. Did you put your name in for it?
BNo, I don't really care too much for seminars…I find them to be either boring ot useless. I mean, how much can you really learn in one afternoon?
AIt's not just about the things that you learn, you know...seminars are a really great opportunity to mingle and network with professionals in our industry from all over the nation. You can learn a few things, but more importantly, you rub shoulders with the business leaders and make contacts that could lead to potential sales or patnerships in the future. The social mixers are always more important than the seminars anyway.
BI'm still not too jazzed about going…I feel kind of awkward in those cocktail party situations.
AWell, what if I told you the seminar is going to be held in Hawaii? Does that perk your interest?
BNow you're talking.
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