Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant
a few moments later?
Emma: one sparkling water
Hugh: Thanks very much
Emma: Are you ready to order?
Hugh: Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please.
Emma: That's minestrone, is that all right sir?
Hugh: Yeah, that's fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please?
Emma: Chicken.
Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please
Emma: Boiled potatoes, OK?
Hugh: Thanks very much.
Emma: OK.
Waitress: Hi, welcome to our restaurant.
Customer: Thank you very much.
Waitress: How many people are there?
Customer: Just the one.
Waitress: Just one person, ok. Smoking or non-smoking?
Customer: Non-smoking please.
Waitress: Come along and have a seat right here.
Customer: Thanks.
Waitress: Here are your menus and a glass of water.
Waitress: Can I get you something to drink?
Customer: Mmm I was wondering about this wine actually. What's your house wine?
Waitress: Our house wine is this red wine right here and it's 10 dollars.
Customer: Oh, I think I'll have a glass of that actually.
Waitress: Just a glass?
Customer: How much is it for a bottle?
Waitress: 10 dollars.
Customer: Oh sorry. Yeah I'll have a bottle then, thanks.
Waitress: Can I take your order for an appetiser?
Customer: Mmm I quite like the look of several of these. Now the melon, does that come with anything else?
Waitress: The melon? It just comes with some garnish But it's pretty much just plain melon with garnish and some whipped cream.
Customer: What would you recommend?
Waitress: Well I really recommend the fries. They're quite good and they come with cheese and tomatoes and some chile on top.
Customer: Oh they sound nice. Ok, I'll have those thanks.
Waitress: Are you ready to order your meal?
Customer: Yes I think I'm ready now. I think I'll have this vegetable goulash. Can you tell me, is it vegetarian?
Waitress: It is, actually. It's all vegetarian but it does come with cheese.
Customer: Oh that's ok, I eat cheese. Do I get any with it?
Waitress: It comes with a side order of rice or potatoes.
Customer: I'd like rice please.
Waitress: Ok.
Waitress: Did you enjoy your meal?
Customer: It was delicious, thank you.
Waitress: Can I get you anything else?
Customer: Oh, I'd like to look at the desert menu please. Mm these all look nice. Oh I think I must go for this chocolate cake here.
Waitress: Chocolate cake. Very good choice-that's our most popular dish.
Customer: Could I get cream with it please?
Waitress: Would you like custard or whipped cream?
Customer: Whipped cream please.
Waitress: Coming right up.
Customer: Could I have the bill please?
Waitress: Certainly. Here you go.
Customer: Mmm 30 dollars. Oh that's ok, that's not too bad.
Waitress: Thank you for coming.
Customer: Ok no problem.
Waitress: Bye, come again!
Customer: Bye!
A:May we see the wine list please?
B:Sure. Our special wine today is a 1989 Chardonnay.
A:That sounds pretty good! How much is it?
B:It's $4.25 cents by the glass. The whole bottle is $22.5.
A:I'd like a bottle please.
B:I'll need to see your ID please.
A:Here you go.
B:Sorry about the inconvenience, you look so young. I had make sure you are over 21 years old.
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