Croatian playmaker Luka Modric broke a decade ofaward dominance by Cristiano Ronaldo and LionelMessi after being crowned World Footballer of theYear by FIFA on Monday.
Modric was voted FIFA's best player in the 2017-18 season after winning the Champions League for afourth time in five seasons with Real Madrid andleading Croatia to its first World Cup final where itlost to France.
"This trophy is not just mine," the 33-year-old midfielder said. "It's for all my Real Madridteammates. For all my teammates on the Croatia national team. For all the coaches that I haveplayed for."
Messi and Ronaldo had been the only winners of FIFA's top individual award since 2008, winningfive titles each.
Modric, who is 5-foot-8, was doubted early in his career because of his height.
"These things were not a burden, they only further motivated me," Modric said at the WorldCup. "You don't have to be a strapping lad to play football."
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in said in a statement last Wednesday that the countries planned to jointly bid for the 2032 Summer Olympics.
At a major summit, the two leaders gave no details of which cities might host certain events at the games, or how advanced the plans were.
The International Olympic Committee traditionally does not announce host cities until seven years ahead of the games. That would give the Koreas until 2025 to put together a joint bid.
Germany has already announced plans for a multi-city bid for 2032, as has Brisbane, Australia. The India Olympic Committee has also indicated its interest in hosting the 2032 Games.
A successful bid by the Koreas would mark the second time South Korea hosted or co-hostedthe Summer Games, the first being 1988 in Seoul. South Korea also hosted the PyeongchangWinter Games in February.
Asia also features in the next two Olympics -- the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo and the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing, which also hosted the summer version in 2008.
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