








  1、Youth, is doomed to be bumpy, with sweat and tears, have a grievance, unwilling and failure.青春,註定了要顛簸,要有眼淚和汗水,有委屈、不甘和失敗。

  2、If someone in your life makes you forget your Past , that someone is probably your Future.如果有個人能讓你忘掉過去,那TA很可能就是你的未來。

  3、Sometimes to get what you want the most, you have to do what you want the least. 有時候,若要得到最想要的東西,就得去做最不願做的事。

  4、Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.痛苦讓人更堅強;眼淚讓人更勇敢;心碎讓人更睿智;所以感謝過去,它讓你有個更好的未來。

  5、The original some do you think very important person, you not contact with him, and he really never reach you. 原來有些你自以為很重要的人,你不聯絡他,他就真的永遠不會聯絡你。

  6、Why I must be a tiny part of others' life though I am such a nice person?我大好的一個人,憑什麼跑到別人的生命裡去當插曲?

  7、Time is much more than money. At the end of your life, it's guaranteed you will be out of time and more than likely out of money as well, if you didn't value time.時間比金錢要重要的多。在生命盡頭,你肯定會沒時間,如果你不珍惜時間的話, 很有可能也沒錢。

  8、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me. 如果有一天你把我弄丟了,那我就永遠讓你找不到我。

  9、We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.我們都有絕望的時候,只有在勇敢面對時,我們才知道我們有多堅強。

  10、Like stunned, heart must have another pure world. 喜歡發呆的人,心裡一定有另一個純淨的世界。


  My “Cock” Clock Hello! My name is Dongdong. Do you know I have a nice clock? It is a beautiful clock. It is in my bedroom. In m\fact it is an alarm clock. The big and round body is made of plastics and the clock is set in it. There is a red comb on its head. When you want to adjust time, you just need to press the comb. Then “clock” will wake up on time. At that time the “clock” will say: “WO! WO! WO!” It’s time for you to get up! And its eyes can also give out light at the same time. It is a very beautiful and useful clock, so I like it very much.

  我的“公雞”鬧鐘 你好!我的名字叫東東。我知道我有一臺好看的鬧鐘。它是一臺漂亮的鐘。鐘的上部有紅色的冠子。當你想要調整時間時,按下頭上的紅冠子就可以調節時間。那時“鍾”將按時醒來。到時候“公雞”就會“喔、喔、喔”地叫,該起床了。而且叫是眼睛還會發光。 它是一隻好看又有用的鐘,我很喜歡它。