出租人簽章:_________ 承租人簽章:_________
附件:shophouse unit lease contractthis agreement is made at _________, on the _________day of_________ , between _________, hereinafter called the "lessor" and mr./mrs/miss _________, hereinafter called the "lessee".the parties to the contract agree as follows:
1.the lessor agrees to lease and the lessee agrees to take on lease units of shophouses, room nos _________, situated at _________road, tambon _________, district of _________, province of _________, with telephone number _________, for a period of _________ years at a monthly rental of _________ baht.
2.the lease period aforementioned in clause 1 shall be effective as of the date the lessor completes all details as in clause 3, and notifies the lessee in writing within 7 days thereof.
3.the lessor agrees to complete repair of the shophouse in accordance with the following details:_________.
4.on this contract signing date, the lessor has received a deposit as rent security amounting to_________baht. should the lessee be overdue on rent payment for any month, the lessee agrees for the lessor to immediately deduct the amount due from the said deposit as rent payment.
5.the lessee agrees to pay rent to the lessor by or before the_________th day of every month. should the lessee be in default of rent payment within the said period, the lessee agrees that this contract then becomes extinct without any notification.
6.payment of all building and land taxes shall be borne solely by the lessee.
7.should the shophouse be legally condemned before expiration of the contract, the parties agree that the contract becomes extinct and shall not claim any damages from each other. provided that the lessee still resides in the building for which the lessee shall pay rent to the lessor until the lessee moves out of the building and completes handover of the building to the lessor.
8.the lessee agrees to pay rent and all telephone bills to the telephone organization of _________ from the day of the enforcement of this contract.
9.the lessor agrees that he shall not increase the rent for a period of 2 years from the date of this contract signing.lessor signature :_________
lessee signature :_________
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