he Mistaken Father
The morning following the birth of our first child, my husband was mistakenly directed to the room of another new mother on the maternity floor. As he walked into the room, he bent over the nap- ping mother, whose back was turned to him, and gave her a big kiss. The woman was startled to see a stranger. But before she could say anything, my husband smiled and said, "I didn't know having a baby would change you this much!"
1 mistaken adj.弄錯了的 4 nap v.小睡;打盹
2 direct v.批示方向;指點 5 startle v.使驚奇
3 maternity n.醫院產科病房
① When did the husband go to see his wife?
A. in the morning
B. at noon
C. in the afternoon
D. at night
② Why did the husband enter the room of another new mother ?
A. Because he had a bad memory.
B. Because he was misguided by the nurse.
C. Because he was mistakenly directed.
D. The new other needed help.
③ What was the other new mother doing?
A. She was crying out for help.
B. She was lying in bed, awake.
C. She was having asleep.
D. She was chatting with the man's wife.
④ What did the husband do to the other new mother?
A. He smiled at her and then went out.
B. He bent over and kissed her.
C. He helped the woman to get up.
D. He sent her a bunch of flower.
⑤ How did the husband handle the incident?
A. He ran out quickly.
B. He felt ashamed.
C. He was very angry with the woman.
D. He left the mistake uncorrected and made the best of it.
This Hole in the Ground
There was once a farmer who lived near a road.
It was not a busy road, but from time to time, cars passed the farm.
Near the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road.
This hole was always full of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was. They thought it was probably shallow.
Then when they drove into the hole, they could not drive out because it was so deep .
The farmer did not spend much time working on his farm. He spent most of it watching the hole.
When a car drove into it, he pulled the car out with his tractor and charged the driver a lot of money for doing this.
One day, the driver of a car said to him, "You must make a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day."
"Oh, no, " the farmer said." I don' t pull cars out of the hole at night. At night I fill the hole with water."
1 from time to time偶爾
2 tractor n. 拖拉機
3 charge v.收費;要價
① Where did the farmer live?
A. near a road
B. in a hole in the road
C. in a large cu
D. under a tractor
② Many mm went into the hole because the drivers_____ .
A. were going too fast to stop
B. did not see the hole
C. did not know the hole was very deep
D. liked driving through water
③ What did the farmer all day?
A. pulled mm out of the hole in the road
B. filled the hole with water
C. laughed at the drivers of the cars
D. worked on his farm
④ How did the farmer make money?
A. from growing things
B. from selling water
C. from pulling cars out of the hole
D. from filling the hole with water
⑤ What did the farmer do at night?
A. He pulled cars out of the hole.
B. He sat there watching the hole.
C. He filled the hole with water.
D. He dug the hole deeper and deeper.
A Prospective Horse Buyer
Then there was the preacher who decided to sell his horse. A prospective buyer was impressed with the animal, but the preacher said, " I must warn you-he only responds to 'church talk'. Go is 'Praise the Lord', and stop is 'Hallelujah"'.
"I've worked with horses all my life," said the buyer, "and I've never heard of anything like this." Mounting the horse, he said skeptically, " Praise the Lord." The horse began to trot. He repeated "Praise the Lord" and the horse broke into a gallop. Suddenly the buyer saw a cliff dead ahead. Frantic, he yelled "Hallelujah", and they came to a stop a foot from the edge.
Wiping the sweat from his brow, the buyer said, "Praise the Lord!"
1 prospective adj.預期的;可能的
2 preacher n.傳教者
3 impress v.給予強烈影響;留下深刻印象
4 respond v.有反應
5 Praise the Lord感謝上帝
6 Hallelujah哈里路亞讚美上帝之語
7 skeptically adv.懷疑地
8 trot v.小跑
9 gallop n.疾馳;飛奔
10 dead adv.完全地;絕對地
11 dead ahead正前方
① The preacher decided to sell his horse to buy another.
② The buyer liked the horse at his first glance.
③ The buyer didn't believe what the preacher had said.
④ Suddenly the buyer saw a deep river ahead.
⑤ The buyer shouldn't have said "Praise the Lord" when they came to a stop at the edge of the cliff.
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