


  英 [ˈhæmbɜ:gər] 美 [ˈhæmbɜrgər]



  1. Nora toils away serving burgers at the local cafe.


  2. We stopped at a drive-in for a hamburger.


  3. a hamburger with all the fixings


  4. I can hot the hamburger up in a minute.


  5. We were all gagging for a burger.


  6. He ordered a hamburger.


  7. We were eating hamburgers at a kiosk.


  8. I suppose you'd rather be in Chicago, eating waffles and hamburgers, or suchlike?


  9. An annual freshman icebreaker called " Dickerella, " in which women and men pair off for trips to a local burger Joint named Dick's, has become a farce.

  一年一度使新生氣氛活躍的活動叫 “ 迪克萊拉 ”, 在活動中男女生配成對一起到當地一個漢堡包快餐店去就餐, 這項活動已經成了滑稽的事.

  10. And one of the most popular menu items was the hamburger.


  11. About 60 percent of all sandwiches that are eaten are hamburgers.


  12. The importance of the hamburger to U.S. culture remains significant.


  13. However, people in other places claim that they invented the hamburger.


  14. But the face of the hamburger is changing according to the times.


  15. McDonald's alone has sold twelve hamburgers for every person in the world.



  the invention of Hamburger

  many years ago people eat bread ,meat ,vagetables,one day a european make it diffrent! he placed vagetables and meat between two breads .then ,the spicial way of eating quickly spreaded .someone come from hamburger very like it .he bring it to Amrican and call it hamburger.this name was accepted by others .people like it very much

  especially teenagers


  People used to eat bread,meat,vegetables.One of the Europeans to join the meat between the bread and vegetables.

  People who came from Hamburg,Germany,take it to the United States,so called Hamburg popular popular,especially among young people


  First,cut the bread in half. Second,add beef and vegetabies to the bread . Next ,put the two pieces of bread together .Then ,heat the bread for one minute .The hamburger is ready .


  How to make hamburger

  First,cut up a little onion and a carrot.Boil them in hot water until they are soft.

  Next,get a piece of round bread,put some butter on the bread.Add the carrot and onion on it.Then put two pieces of beaf on them.Pour two teaspoons of rellsh on the beaf.And put some lettuce on.Finally,put another piece of bread on top.

  It's going to taste great!



  History of the Hamburger

  There is debate over the history of the hamburger. The earliest events at which a burger in a bun was sold was the 19nineteen and four World’s Fair St.Louis, Missouri. And then, the hamburgers became the centerpiece of a new marketing concept for American restaurants. The first business that can accurately be called a fast food restaurant was White Castle which began in1921.

  Other companies copied White Castle and introduced variation on the hamburger, just like the hamburger theme.

  The most unusual innovation of fast food was that the hamburger restaurants kick up the type of “drive-in” service. After World War two, the number of restaurants specializing in fast food grew tremendously, and each needed a special feature to survive in the competitive marketplace.

  Now, the hamburger has become an icon among foods and a symbol of the globalization of fast food.

