包括是現代漢語詞彙,表示包含;總括。[1] 例如語文教學應該包括聽、說、讀、寫四項,不可偏輕偏重;我說 ‘大家’,自包括你在內。那麼,你知道怎麼說嗎?
包括 [bāo kuò]
to comprise
to include
to involve
to incorporate
to consist of
The foregoing have all been included in the proposals.
The field includes three world record holders.
The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.
Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.
A cutlery set includes knives, forks, spoons etc.
Enter the rotunda and then get on your first right.
This includes the type arguments as well as the generic type itself.
The packing slip included with your order does not include pricing information.
The heat treatment furnace comprises the heating furnace and a quenching device.
1. The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants. 被解僱的管理人員包括 前銷售經理、主管和會計。
2. The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organisers. 這個政黨一直在招募工作人員,包括 臨時的組織人員。
3. They've linked her with various men, including magnate Donald Trump. 他們把她與不同的男人扯上關係,包括 大亨唐納德·特朗普。
4. That programme will include live commentary on the England-Ireland game. 那個節目將包括 英格蘭與愛爾蘭比賽的實況報道。
5. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures. 我應該指出,這些估算僅包括 醫院的費用。
6. Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room. 還有一些不太常有的設施,包括 圖書館和健身房。
7. The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles. 這一價格包括 兩張從布里斯班到洛杉磯的經濟艙機票。
8. The service covers contraceptive advice and health checks, and is available free. 服務專案包括 避孕建議和健康檢查,並且免費提供。
9. There are 94 countries represented in Barcelona, from Algeria to Zimbabwe. 包括 從阿爾及利亞到辛巴威的94個國家在巴塞羅那設有代表處。
10. His work schedule still includes speaking engagements and other public appearances. 他的工作日程表上還包括 演講安排和在其他公開場合的露面。
11. He can perform an astonishing variety of acts, including mime and juggling. 他能表演好幾種令人驚歎的把戲,包括 啞劇和玩雜耍。
12. The tour will include games against the Australian Barbarians. 這次巡迴賽將包括 和澳大利亞野人隊的比賽。
13. We'll put together a proposal, including detailed costings, free of charge. 我們將免費擬一份提案,其中包括 詳細的成本估算。
14. Symptoms are a slight fever, headache and loss of appetite. 症狀包括 低燒、頭痛和食慾不振。
15. The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles. 新電子書將包括 大量的簡明指南。
16. Other changes include more tolerant attitudes to unmarried couples having children. 其他變化包括 對非婚夫婦生育更為寬容的態度。
17. The £85m programme will involve an extensive rebranding of the airline. 這個8,500萬英鎊的專案將包括 全面重塑該航空公司的形象。
18. This year's event consisted of readings, lectures and workshops. 今年的活動包括 讀書會、講座和研討會。
19. Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management. 包括 母公司在內,每個單位都有自己的地方管理層。
20. A five-course meal including coffee, service and VAT is £30. 包括 咖啡、服務費及增值稅在內,一頓五道菜正餐的價格為30英鎊。