A:Damn Scott. You got big.
B:Yeah, I've been working out a lot.
A:How long have you been lifting weights?
B:For a year and a half.
A:Yeah. Last time I saw you, it was like 2 years ago.
B:Has it been that long?
A:How often do you go to the gym?
B:I usually go every other day for about 3 hours.
A:That's a lot.
B:Yeah, I used to work out for an hour a day 4 times a week, and I saw no results. This is what you have to do to get noticeable results.
A:I don't think I have the discipline for that.
B:Just think of it as a hobby. Then it's actually fun.
A:Hey Jimmy. Let's go workout later today.
B:Sure. What time do you want to go?
A:How about at 3:30?
B:That sounds good. Today we work on Legs and forearm.
A:Hey. I just played basketball earlier, so my legs are a little sore. Let's work out on arms and stomach today.
B:I'm on a weekly schedule. You're messing everything up.
A:C'mon. We're only switching two days. You can do legs on Friday.
B:Aright. I'll meet you at the gym at 3:30 then.
A:What do you do besides work and watching TV?
B:When I have some time, I like to exercise.
A:Do you go jogging or do you go to a health club?
B:I joined Samsung Health Club a couple of months ago.
A:How do you exercise?
B:I usually spend 30 minutes on the bicycle for the cardio, and then I lift weight for about 45 minutes.
A:How often do you go?
B:I want to go four times a week, but I'm too lazy. Last week, I only went to workout once.
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