son's wife
求媳婦 Seeking wife
中國媳婦 Chinese Wives
三個媳婦 Three Daughters-in-law
你媳婦 Your wife ; Your daughter-in-law
美好媳婦 Hades Project Zeorymer
娶媳婦 to get oneself a wife ; 1.to take a wife; 2.to get a daughter-in-law
1. You should make preparations in good time for your own wedding . We don't want to find , when the time comes , that we've forgotten this, that and the other.
把你娶媳婦應辦的事早些料理料理, 免得到時丟三落四的.
2. An old woman seated near him sighed, what a daughter - in - law !
身邊一個老太太嘆息說:“唉, 多好的 媳婦 呀 !
3. " Here is my ten yuan, young lady . Please take it "
“ 拿著吧, 媳婦,我這兒也有十塊錢. ”
4. " Daughter - in - law , let's start making dumplings for the Festival! "
“ 媳婦, 快包餃子,過年! ”
5. You married me for my money, didn't you? "
你不是娶媳婦呢,是娶那點錢, 對不對? ”
6. It's a mercy he did not bring us over a black daughter - in - law .
總算運氣好,他沒有給咱們娶個黑漆漆的 媳婦 兒回家.
7. Because of Third Daughter - in - law's illness, Fang Tun - weng developed an interest in the study of family medicine.
方遯翁為了三 媳婦 的病, 對家庭醫藥大起研究的興趣.
8. Ai, the way daughters - in - law are nowadays , how can you still expect her to be filial?
唉, 現在的媳婦, 你還希望對你孝順 麼 ?
9. Go home and learn how to behave so that he will not beat you. "
好好學學應該如何當媳婦,他才不會打你. ”
10. Unfortunately my Sichuan food turned out to be a fiasco.
11. His family firmly disapproved of his marrying a digamous wife.
12. She failed in her obligations as a good daughter - in - law .
她未做到一個好 媳婦 應盡的義務.
13. On the third day there was a wedding at Cana - in - Galilee.
14. Their daughter - in - law was listening from the other corner of the house.
他們的 媳婦 在屋內的另一個角落聆聽他們談話.
15. His wife looked adamant.
Two women were chatting in a room,
One asked, "How is everthing going with your son?"
"Oh,don't even mention it! What a huge misfortune!!" The woman sighed :
"He is poor enough, and married an extraordinary lazy daughter-in-law. She doesn’t cook, not clean the room, not look after the children except to sleep all the time. It was my son who brings breakfast to her bed.
"How about your dauther?"
"She might be lucky." the woman smiled.
"She married a good husband who doesn’t allow her to do the housework, and handles everything all alone. The housework includes cooking, washing, cleaning and looking after the children. What’s more, he brings breakfast to my daughter every day."
same situation, but when we look from my perspective, it will have a different mentality.
stand to look at other people's position, or at each other's point of view to think about a lot of things not the case,
You can have a greater tolerance, will have more love.
accommodate only have love, only love do not accommodate, and all are in vain.
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