枇杷膏 loquat leaf extract;
枇杷根 loquat root;
枇杷樹 loquat;
枇杷葉 loguat leaf
1. They brought gifts of sweets and fruits and a salted fish.
2. The brown pigment of loquat nut is natural and pigment.
3. Objective : To establish the quality standard for Chuanbei Qiangli Pipa Syrup.
目的: 建立川貝強力枇杷露的質量標準.
4. Objective To establish methods for the quality control of Juhong Pipa tablets.
5. Loquat tree trunk, wood thin and tough, for carving.
枇杷樹幹, 木質細韌, 可供雕刻.
6. Studies on the Methods : To Control Florescence of Camellia.
農藥對 枇杷 園生態系的影響與主要害蟲生態控制研究.
7. Loquat fruIt'soft and juicy, moderately and sour flavor good.
枇杷果肉柔軟多汁, 甜酸適度,風味甚佳.
8. Fruits like loquats, peaches, apples, etc are middle circle.
腹壁十六菱瓣內繪枇杷 、 桃 、 蘋果 、 石榴等十六種折技果.
9. Loquat has a lot of nutrition and can become medicine.
10. Fruits ranging from loquats, lichees, longans to tangerines are in plenty.
水果是從枇杷 、 荔枝 、 龍眼,一直吃到福桔!
11. HPLC method was established for the determination of ephedrine hydrochloride in Liangyuan Pipaye Gao.
12. Shixing County is in the sub - tropical climate, excellent natural conditions, very suitable for loquat growth.
始興縣地屬中亞熱帶氣候, 自然條件優越, 極適宜枇杷生長.
13. Effects of bagging on loquat fruit appearance, postharvest characteristics and quality were studied.
研究不同套袋處理對枇杷果實外觀 、 後特性和品質的影響.
14. White Flower Snake Bile, Buibus Fritillariae cirrhosae , Rhizoma Pinilliae, Folium Eriobotryae , Radix Platycodi.
蛇膽汁, 川貝母,枇杷葉, 半夏, 桔梗, 薄荷腦.
15. It indicates that the nut are favorable nutrition source of health food, make wine and feed.
分析結果可知,枇杷核是開發保健食品 、 釀酒和飼料的良好營養源.
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