custom service
客服代表 Customer Service Representative ; Customer Service Rep ; Mixpool ; CS Representative
客服人員 Customer Service Agent ; service personnel ; customer service staff ; CSAD
海運客服 sea freight Customer Service ; CUSTOMER SERVINCE ; customer services export ocean freight ; CS
英文客服 English customer service ; English Customer Support ; English service ; customer service
客服服務 Customer Service ; SERVICE
客服原則 Principle of Customer Service
外勤客服 Field Service
客服信箱 Contact ; Contect
1. Call our customer-service staff toll-free.
2. Strong skills on negotiation, service, presentation, and managerial credentials.
有較強的談判 、 客服 、 表述和管理能力.
3. Why? Because there are only two representatives taking calls for all divisions.
為什麼 呢 ?因為只有兩個客服代表面對所有部門.
4. Brahmaputra Grand Hotel, Tibet . Deputy Manager of Guest Services Center.
5. The customer service officer referred the complaint to the department manager.
6. Customer service is the principal port between game and player.
7. Customer service within an inch of faints : That opens your computer.
客服 差點暈倒 : 那就開啟你的電腦.
8. Unparallelled Customer Service, Immediate Response, Top Quality and Value - added Service.
優質的客服 、 及時的響應 、 一流的質量、增值的服務!
9. Assist Customer Service Representative Supervisor to finish special business.
10. Leading the MAGIC Call Centre , monitoring performance , providing guidance and make decisions.
11. Explained Miss service, followed by reporters for the return procedures.
一客服小姐解釋道, 隨後為記者辦理了退貨手續.
12. Responsible for Customer Service, Marketing Promotion and answer the phone.
負責客服,電話接聽, 業務拓展及時處理客戶反映的各項問題.
13. Why? Because the customer service representatives are rushed when preparing folders.
為什麼 呢 ?因為客服代表著在準備資料夾時著急了.
14. Adam had a job at a call center during his college years.
15. Submit the override application to CSC Supervisor in time.
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