Memories are the timeless treasures of the heart.
Don't you love the memories that make you smile every time you think of them?
When our children were young we had big family picnics. I carried around a video camera and videotaped the fun.
We recently had these old videos made into DVDs. It's been a riot to watch these and laugh at these timeless treasures.
Several people on these DVDs are gone now. But we have their memory as timeless treasures of our hearts. Others are still alive and well.
We can smile when we think back and remember those who have passed on and remember the memories we made.
"I have been trying to get an internship and the process has baffled me. People with contacts in big companies have an unfair advantage even though they are not that skilled. I tried to approach my alumni regarding referrals but to no avail."
No process of hiring is completely fair. That's the truth and the sooner you accept it the better you can prepare yourself.
Every organisation has its own recruitment process and it's wrong on your part to call everyone's process unfair. People with contacts in big companies do have advantage but I don't think that's unfair. They have devoted their time networking with employees of big companies.
Even though there are some people who get internships with contacts, BUT, let me tell you this:
No Big company will hire someone for the sole reason that they are recommended.
In case of jobs, the contacts can only take you up to the interview table, you have to prove yourself there.
There might be some exceptions where the recommendations work, but it is not significant in proportion.
Don't let that feeling depress you, and stop you from trying.
Remember, getting an internship is NOT the only thing that matters.
Those who get from recommendation and without talent would eventually find it too tough to bear, and would eventually drop off, or under-perform.
You can always get good internships, if you have a good enough profile, interesting skills and good commitment.
If you didn't get an internship somewhere, it means something else, something better is waiting for you.
Some people are lucky to have a close relative in a big company but in the long run your luck will help you also in some situations. So it's all even. Networking is essential to get good referrals.
This is a comment on a video tutorial for learning American Sign Language.
"There is a guy who I see on my train every morning, he always sits alone, never speaks to anyone and never listens to music.
Around 8 days ago i noticed he was facetiming a friend and using signs.
After he hung up he looked so sad, I tried to ask him if he was ok, but we could understand each-other.
So I put my hand on his shoulder and just smiled.....I felt so helpless to help, and its started to eating away at me how alone and isolated he must have felt.
So I started staying up a few hours on a night after work to learn asl and this is one of the first videos I used...
This morning was the first time i said hello to him and asked him how he was..
The shocked smile he had on his face made all the late nights and tired days worth while,
needless to say it wasnt much of a convo but he got his phone out and typed out a message and handed me the phone,
it just said "thank you" and has I looked up he seemed proud of me and remembered our last encounter.
So thank you for helping me be a better person."
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