都江堰中興鎮發生山體滑坡***landslide***——這是2008年四川地 震時受災最嚴重的地方。山體滑坡覆蓋了大約兩平方公里,摧毀了 至少11所房子。到目前為止,已有200多名居民被疏散。山體滑 坡幾個小時後,巡邏隊員到達現場時,一切都已經是一片汪洋。目 擊者描述石頭和殘骸***debris***從山上滾下來,不到三分鐘就把八座 房屋吞沒了。
The landslide occurred in the town of Zhongxing is Dujiangyan —one of the places badly hit by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. The landslide, which covered about 2 sq km, damaged at least 11 homes. So far more than 200 residents have been evacuated. By the time patrol members arrived at the scene, a few hours after the landslide,everything was already a vast expanse of water. Eyewitnesses described stones and debris running down the hill and covering around eight homes in less than three minutes.
秦始皇陵墓***the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang***坐落在 陝西省西安市臨潼區以東5公里的驪山北部,是中國歷史上第一個 皇帝的最終休眠之地。它於公元前246年開始建造,工程持續了 38年。 它佔地面積56.25平方公里,是中國歷史上最大的陵墓。
The Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang, located at the northern foot of the Lishan Mountain five kilometers east of Lintong District, Xi’an City, Shanxi Province, is the final resting
place of the first emperor in the history of China. Its construction lasted for 38 years, commencing in 246BC. With an area of 56.25 square kilometers, it’s the largest mausoleum in China’s
—個標準的四合院通常由一個位於中心的院子和四側房屋構成。 門通常漆成紅色,並有大的銅門環。通常情況下,全家人住在大院。 北端的正房由長輩居住,年輕_代生活在兩側的房子,朝南的房子裡, 通常是家庭客廳或書房。
A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center. The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings. Usually,a whole family lives in compound. The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end, the younger generations live in the side houses, and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.
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