


  ***1*** 請稍待片刻。

  Just a moment, please.

  ***2*** 請別結束通話。我找一位會說英語的人來。

  Hold the line, please. I'll get an English speaker.

  ***3*** 請等一下。我找個人來聽。

  Hold on, please. I'll get someone to the phone.

  ***4*** 很抱歉,我英語說得不好。我找位會講英語的人稍後回電話給你。請教您的大名及電話號碼?

  I'm sorry, I don't speak English well. I'll have an English speaker call you back later. May I have your name and telephone number?


  接電話的開場白<說明> 拿起話筒的時候,可先用"Hello." "Good morning." "Good afternoon."等問候對方,並報上自己的公司名、部門名、姓名等,如此可予人態度親切的感覺。

  ***1*** 早安。這裡是正泰貿易公司。我能效勞嗎?

  Good morning. This is Chengtai Trading Company. May I help you?

  ***2*** 午安。這裡是大安商業銀行。我能為您效勞嗎?

  Good afternoon. This is Dan An Commercial Bank. What can I do for you?

  ***3*** 先鋒電子。我是吳瑪莉。

  Pioneer Electronics1. This is Mary Wu speaking.

  ***4*** 喂。海外營業部。我是王大明。

  Hello. Overseas Sales Department. Taming2 Wang speaking.

  ***5*** 喂。這裡是王公館。

  Hello. This is the Wang residence3.

  ***6*** 午安。我是王大明。

  Good afternoon. Taming Wang speaking.

  ***7*** 我是楊文凱,請講。

  Wenkai Yang. Speaking.


  問對方要找誰 通常對方都會主動說出要找誰,但萬一對方說不清楚,或是你沒聽懂,想再確認的時候,可以用下面的話問清楚。

  ***1*** 請問找哪位?

  Who do you want to talk [speak] to?

  ***2*** 您找哪位?

  Who would you like to speak with?

  ***3*** 請問受話人的尊姓大名?

  The name of the person you are calling, please?

  ***4*** 你要打給哪位?

  Who are you calling?


  問對方要找誰<說明> 通常對方都會主動說出要找誰,但萬一對方說不清楚,或是你沒聽懂,想再確認的時候,可以用下面的話問清楚。

  ***1*** 請問找哪位?

  Who do you want to talk [speak] to?

  ***2*** 您找哪位?

  Who would you like to speak with?

  ***3*** 請問受話人的尊姓大名?

  The name of the person you are calling, please?

  ***4*** 你要打給哪位?

  Who are you calling?


  請教對方的大名<說明> 接獲老外打來的電話,應問清楚對方的身分,以便通報相關的當事人或做進一步的處理。

  ***1*** 請問是哪位?

  Who's calling, please?

  ***2*** 請問您哪位?

  Who's speaking, please?

  ***3*** 請教大名好嗎?

  May I have your name, please?

  ***4*** 請問大名好嗎?

  May I ask your name?

  ***5*** 請教您的大名。

  Your name, please.

  ***6*** 請問您是哪位?

  May I ask who's calling, please?

  ***7*** 請問您是誰?

  Who is this, please?

  ***8*** 請問是誰?

  Who is that calling?

  ***9*** 請告訴我您是哪位?

  Who should I say is calling?

  ***10*** 您是哪一位?

  Who***m*** am I speaking to?

  ***11*** 要我通報您是哪位嗎?

  Could I tell him who's calling?

  ***12*** 請問您是何人?

  Who's that speaking, please?

  ***13*** 請問是哪位打來的?

  Who's this calling, please?


  不明瞭對方所言時<說明> 聽不懂對方的話卻硬撐下去,並非明智之舉,不如坦白請對方更簡單明確的說明清楚。

  ***1*** 能說得明確一點嗎?

  Could you put that in more specific terms?

  ***2*** 我無法確定你的意思。

  I'm not sure what you mean.

  ***3*** 很抱歉。我沒聽懂你的話。

  I'm sorry. I couldn't follow you.

  ***4*** 你講得太快了。我跟不上。

  You're talking too fast. I can't keep up.

  ***5*** 請你再多解釋一下好嗎?

  Will you explain a little bit more?

  ***6*** 你能說得簡單一點嗎?

  Could you put that more simply?

  ***7*** 恐怕我沒聽懂。能請你再說一遍嗎?

  I'm afraid I didn't understand that. Could you say that again, please?

  ***8*** 對不起,我沒聽到,請你再說一遍好嗎?

  Excuse me, but I didn't hear that, would you mind repeating it, please?

  ***9*** 抱歉,我沒聽懂,請您拼一下好嗎?

  Sorry, but I didn't catch that, would you mind spelling it, please?