在職業生涯中情商比智商更重要 EQ counts more than IQ in career
As is known to all, many famous people have high IQ such as Albert Einstein, a thinking machine, who was considered as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Does high IQ play an important part in one’s career? The answer is yes. However, with the development of our society, more and more studies show that EQ counts more than IQ in career.
Believe it or not, there are several reasons. In the beginning, IQ means cleverness and intelligence, and EQ stands for an ability of judging, dealing, adapting and so on. Furthermore, IQ represents rational while EQ is in the name of emotional. The latter one helps you get well along with other people by a positive way, which is more significant to your success. At last, high IQ just gets more knowledge and skills, but high EQ gains people’s respect, understanding and support.
In a word, EQ counts more than IQ in career. Please remember to improve your EQ if you are high in IQ.
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