:A Prayer on Going into My House
God grant a blessing on this tower and cottage
And on my heirs, if all remain unspoiled,
No table or chair or stool not simple enough
For shepherd lads in Galilee; and grant
That I myself for portions of the year
May handle nothing and set eyes on nothing
But what the great and passionate have used
Throughout so many varying centuries
We take it for the norm; yet should I dream
Sinbad the sailor‘s brought a painted chest,
Or image, from beyond the Loadstone Mountain,
That dream is a norm; and should some limb of the devil
Destroy the view by cutting down an ash
That shades the road, or setting up a cottage
Planned in a government office, shorten his life,
Manacle his soul upon the Red Sea bottom.
:Cement Guitar
All morning I've remembered St. Ignacio's bruise,jaundiced seagulls over Quonset, November and the gross white sky. Days so long you walk home fifteen miles from the restaurant.
Same waitress every day of your life and she never remembers your allergies.
Nothing on the map but scone crumbs and a drop of tea. Just manifold food and a dead request to bury the last of your seven receipts.
Mother of foster-wit,father of straw,I can see how silence takes the place of those who cut their thoughts in stone before they need them.
Stone is the past,and the past is a form of flattery.
Last winter,groups of children sent letters in sadness for the late Christmas suicide.
Addressed to those who managed the fishery,who named the docks and decided the colors of unfinished boats,the only way to read them was alive.
To think out loud about those children's names was to forget what you meant by dying.
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