The Flowers of Friendship
If good friends fell from the sky like raindrops,
I'd turn my umbrella upside down and have all that I need.
But friends do not come to us that way,
instead they shoot up through the ground from a tiny seed of common interest,
are cultivated with good times and grow into a beautiful flower to enjoy that continues to bloom as long as it is cared for.
These flowers of friendship are gathered into a fragrant bouquet that enhances the world around us and are meant to be enjoyed by ourselves as well as to bring cheer or comfort to others.
Like flowers, friendships also go through changes,
sometimes they are allowed to die, but if you care for them well and tend them with a gentle touch,
they will continue to build roots in new places and bloom for years of enjoyment.
When you have found a friend such as this,
you will know by the beauty and fragrance that surrounds your life and it will spread like beautiful wildflowers to enrich all of us.
Bea Friend
Be a friend. You don't need money;
Just a disposition sunny;
Just the wish to help another
Get along some way or other;
Just a kindly hand extended
Out to one who's unbefriended;
Just the will to give or lend,
This will make you someone's friend.
Be a friend. You don't need glory.
Friendship is a simple story.
Pass by trifling errors blindly,
Gaze on honest effort kindly,
Cheer the youth who's bravely trying,
Pity him who's sadly sighing;
Just a little labor spend
On the duties of a friend.
Be a friend. The pay is bigger
***Though not written by a figure***
Than is earned by people clever
In what's merely self-endeavor.
You'll have friends instead of neighbors
For the profits of your labors;
You'll be richer in the end
Than a prince, if you're a friend.
Always Believe in Yourself
Get to know yourself -
what you can do
and what you cannot do -
for only you can make your
life happy
Believe that by working
learning and achieving
you can reach your goals
and be successful
Believe in your own creativity
as a means of expressing
your true feelings
Believe in appreciating life
Be sure to have fun every day
and to enjoy
the beauty in the world
Believe in love
Love your friends
your family
and your life
Believe in your dreams
and your dreams can become
a reality
I Miss You So
Though you are not here
wherever I go or whatever I do
I see your face in my mind
and I miss you so
I miss telling you everything
I miss showing you things
I miss our eyes
secretly giving each other confidence
I miss your touch
I miss our excitement together
I miss everything we share
I don't like missing you
It is a very cold
and lonely feeling
I wish that I could be
with you right now
where the warmth of our love
would melt the winter snows
But since I can't be
with you right now
I will have to be content
just dreaming about
when we'll be together again
Let Your Spirit Guide You
There is no place you can go to hide from the thoughts
that you keep contemplating over and over inside your mind……
There is no place you can venture where your true emotions
will be concealed and the secrets of your heart will not show……
There is no place in this whole wide world you can travel
to where your spirit does not direct or guide you towards your destiny……
Life is the experience of being you;
no one can ever be someone other than who they are……
The beauty found in each and every person is the essence of life……
Simply …… you are who you are and for whatever time you have to be,
You must not try to shadow yourself,
but, rather, express yourself……
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