過去式是英語語法的一種,表示過去某個時間裡發生的動作或狀態。一般過去式的動詞通常用動詞的過去式形式來表示,而動詞的過去式是在動詞原形的基礎上變化的。動詞的過去式可分為規則動詞和不規則動詞。 用法
二.時間狀語:yesterday,the day before yesterday,two days ago,long long ago,a minute ago,lastyear***week,month***,just now,at that time,in those days.
例:We had a good time last week.
例:The boy closed the door,turned off the window,and then went to bed.
⒊ 表示過去一段時間內經常或反覆的動作,要用過去式。
例:She often came to help me at that time.
四.一般過去式的構成形式:☆Be動詞的過去式:⑴肯定句:主語+ be動詞的過去式***was,were***
例:He was ill yesterday. She was nine two years ago.They were my students long long ago.
⑵否定句:主語+ be動詞的過去式***was,were***+ not
例:He was not ill yesterday.She was not nine two years ago.They were not my students long long ago.
例:Was he ill yesterday?
肯定回答:Yes,he was.
否定回答:No,he wasn't.Was she nine two years ago? Yes,she was. / No,she wasn't.Were they your students long long ago? Yes,they were. / No,they weren't.
例:He played football last week.She watched TV last night.
⑵否定句:主語+ did not +動詞原形
例:He did not play football last week.She didn’t watch TV last night.
⑶一般疑問句:Did +主語+動詞原形 例:Did he play football last week?
回答:Yes,he did./ No,he didn't.
Did she watch TV last night?
回答:Yes,she did. / No,she didn’t.
五.動詞變過去式的幾種常用規則:1.一般動詞直接+ ed;
例:look--looked want--wanted listen --listened
2.以e結尾的詞直接+ d;例:live--lived phone--phoned
3.以子音字母加y結尾,變y為i加ed;例:try--tried study--studied
4.重讀閉音節結尾的,詞尾只有一個子音字母,雙寫詞尾子音字母+ ed;例:stop--stopped plan--planned
⒌不規則動詞: 動詞由原形轉變為過去式時不按詞尾加“-ed”之變化規則者叫做不規則動詞。小學常見的動詞不規則過去式如:是be/is/am/are- was,是are- were,來come-came,去go- went,有have- had,做/幹do- did,做make- made 讀read- read,放put- put,切割cut- cut,寫write- wrote,帶走take- took,買buy- bought,帶來bring- brought,想think- thought,看見see- saw,說say- said,說話speak- spoke,打破break- broke,得到get- got,跑run- ran,告訴tell- told,唱sing- sang,喝drink- drank,吃eat- ate,游泳swim- swam,開始begin- began,偷steal- stole,遇見meet- met,賣sell- sold,坐sit- sat,跑run-ran,讀read-read,想要want-want,知道know-known,fall-fell等等。
I worked in that factory last year. 我在那一家工廠工作。I went to the Tian Long Mountain yesterday. 昨天我們去了天龍山。I stayed at home,yesterday.昨天,我整日呆在家裡.
時間標誌:yesterday***昨天***,last weekend***上週***,last month***上個月***,last year,two months ago***兩個月前***,the day before yesterday***前天***,in 1990 ***在1990年***,in those days ***在那些日子裡***等表示過去的時間狀語。
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