1. They seem to enjoy contact with like cells.
2. The comparison must be made in a meaningful manner and must not be misleading.
3. There must be a reasonable basis for comparison with the similar businesses in the market approach.
4. The user is OK will extraction data and similar data join, process these data.
使用者可以將可讀取的資料與相似資料連線, 並處理這些資料.
5. Please compare with others of similar age and experience and then mark in the appropriate box.
6. Stylistically, Weller is treading a similar path to that of Lenny Kravitz.
7. There are significant parallels with the 1980s.
8. The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models.
9. The story has points of resemblance to a Hebrew myth.
10. I am well aware that we all conform to one stereotype or another.
11. It was made of plaster, hard and white and lifeless, bearing no resemblance to human flesh.
12. Readers familiar with English history will find a vague parallel to the suppression of the monasteries.
13. The company is in a position closely analogous to that of its main rival.
14. That passage interested me because it seems to parallel very closely what you're doing in the novel.
15. Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.
This usage pattern is similar to that of javax.sql.PreparedStatement.
Its user interface is almost similar to the iPod.app, allowing you to view your songs in Artists,Albums, Songs, Genre list etc.
Therefore, it would be a shame if you had to go through all of the work that you put intodesigning it again and reimplement similar tags in the cartajax.jsp.
This is a form of operating system virtualization, similar to AIX 6.1's implementation of WPARs.
與 TConnect.java示例相似,DocumentManagementportlet也有一個實用程式類,其中包含所有的連線和斷開連線的函式。
Like the TConnect.java sample, the Document Management portlets have a utility class that hasall the connect and disconnect functions.
The jpa2web tool generates a form similar to that of Ship.java, but with a way to connect a givencabin to a particular ship.
There are a few other new files; most, though, should seem familiar from Rails version 2.3.
The situation is similar in the bond market.
It's similar when you're dealing with numbers recursively.
與 /Products/Beverages.aspx相似,下面我們要為其他產品類別新增重寫規則。
Similar to /Products/Beverages.aspx, we'd next add rewriting rules for the other productcategories.
pl 與worldCompositeMap.pl程式非常相似 ——其修改主要是在把各種註釋元件與各種尺寸的基本影象對齊。
stateCompositeMap.pl is very similar to the worldCompositeMap.pl program -- its modificationsare focused on aligning the various annotation components to the differently sized base image.
But like gold, silver has also witnessed a surge in speculative long investment on the Comexfutures exchange.
此命令輸出一個名稱與 caesar1_cpi_0000.311434 相似的檔案。
The command outputs the file like caesar1_cpi_0000.311434.
此標記檔案會輸出由 < 元素中的所有錯誤訊息,與required.tag的情況十分相似。
The tag file outputs any error messages within a element generated with <; just likein the case of required.tag.
輸出檔名與 “sleep_0000.319628” 相似。
The output file has a name like "sleep_0000.319628".
When the user clicks on a product, the content of the panel is updated with a panelGrid similarto that defined in the product.jsp file ***the href attribute***.
The first is a remote debugger host. It is similar to the one used by Windows/.NET in that it runsas a service.
@javax.ws.rs.QueryParam註釋與 @PathParam相似,但是它把各個 URI 查詢引數注入Java引數中,見 清單8。
The @javax.ws.rs.HeaderParam annotation is similar to the @PathParam, but injects individual request header parameters into Java parameters, as shown in Listing 8.
Three Troponin I shared 54.458.3% similarity with each other in their predicted amino acidsequences.
對於DayTrader 中的marketSummary.jsp 來說,cachespec.xml 的內容與清單1相似。
For the marketSummary.jsp in DayTrader, the cachespec.xml looks similar to Listing 1.
從 清單4可以看出,ServiceDiscoverer.java與第一個helper類DeviceDiscoverer.java非常相似,具體來說就是二者都實現了相同的介面。
As you can see in Listing 4, ServiceDiscoverer.java is quite similar to the first helper class,DeviceDiscoverer.java, especially because both of them implement the same interface.
與JPA非常相似,EJB3.0的所有內容都通過POJO程式設計模型得到了簡化,從而使得EJB3.0 非常易於編碼。
Much like JPA, all of EJB 3.0 has been simplified with a POJO programming model, making EJB3.0 easy to code.
Results The overall resectability, morbidity and 30-day mortality rate of PEAC was 92.5%, 23.5%and 2.8% respectively, similar to those of ESCC.
Results The overall resectability, morbidity and 30-day mortality rate of PEAC was 92.5%, 23.5%and 2.8% respectively, similar to those of ESCC.
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