
默劇與童話劇(mime and pantomime)

僅靠肢體動作敘述劇情的戲劇表演形式。默劇最早出現在西元前5世紀的希臘,是一種主要強調模仿動作的喜劇表演,但也包括歌唱和對白。西元前100年左右開始,一種獨立的羅馬默劇形式發展起來,集中於粗魯的、淫亂的題材。羅馬童話劇不同於羅馬默劇的地方在於它的主題更為高尚,表演中使用面具,這就要求演員透過姿態和手勢來表演。從古時起,默劇在亞洲戲劇中也很重要,在中國和日本的戲劇中它是構成主要戲劇型別的要素(如日本的能樂)。羅馬傳統的童話劇在16世紀的即興喜劇中得到改進,即興喜劇先後影響了18世紀法國和英國的幕間幽默短劇;後者逐漸發展成為19世紀的童話劇,一種強調出洋相的兒童劇。現代西方默劇發展為一種純粹的沈默藝術,僅靠手勢、動作及表情來傳達意念。著名的默劇演員有德布勞、德古(他發展了一套手語系統)和馬叟。卓別林是一個多才多藝的默片演員,同樣凱撒(S. Caesar)和馬戲團小丑凱利(E. Kelly)也是默劇大師。

English version:

mime and pantomime

Dramatic performance in which a story is told solely by expressive body movement. Mime appeared in Greece in the 5th century BC as a comic entertainment that stressed mimetic action but included song and spoken dialogue. A separate Roman form developed from c. 100 BC and centered on crude and licentious subjects. Roman pantomime differed from Roman mime by its loftier themes and its use of masks,which called for expression through posture and hand gestures. Mime was also important in Asian drama from ancient times,and it forms an element in major Chinese and Japanese dramatic forms (e.g.,No drama). The Roman tradition of pantomime was modified in the 16th-century commedia dell'arte,which in turn influenced the 18th-century French and English comic interludes that developed into 19th-century pantomime,a children's entertainment emphasizing spectacle. Modern Western mime developed into a purely silent art in which meanings are conveyed through gesture,movement,and expression. Famous mimes include Jean-Gaspard Deburau,étienne Decroux (who developed a systematic language of gesture),and Marcel Marceau. Charlie Chaplin was an accomplished mime,as were Sid Caesar and the circus clown Emmett Kelly.