
注音 ㄔㄥˊ ㄒ一ㄣ ㄔㄥˊ 一ˋ

拼音 chéng xīn chéng yì




⒈  亦作“誠心實意”。

⒉  真實的心志。

⒊  謂心意真誠。

冷嘲熱諷:  尖刻的嘲笑,辛辣的諷刺。例他想起曾經受到的冷嘲熱諷,心裡很是不服。英ridicule; burning scorching satire and freezing irony; give sb. a dig; mock rant and rave;

冷言冷語:  含有譏諷意味的冰冷的話。例多九公被兩個女子冷言冷語,只管催逼,急得滿面青紅,恨無地縫可鑽。——清·李汝珍《鏡花緣》英sarcastic comment; cold words; shafts of ridicule; talk behind sb's back;

陽奉陰違:  當眾同意背後反對。例如有日與胥徒比,而陽奉陰違,名去實存者,斷以白簡隨其後。——《明臣奏議·革大戶行召募疏》英overtly agree, but covertly oppose; out wardly obey but inwardly oppose;

假仁假義:  內心奸惡,假作仁義;內心毫不同情,表面裝作關切。英to be a wolf in sheep’s skin; hypocrisy; don a pious mask; pass the bottle of smoke; pretended sham benevolence and righteousness; pretend to be the paragon of virtue;

敷衍了事:  辦事責任心不強,將就應付。例他敷衍了事地說了幾句,對方根本沒有聽懂。英gloss things over; do the routine work superficially; muddle with one's duty;

不懷好意:  胸懷惡意,懷有不可告人的目的。英harbour an evil design; have bad intentions;

老奸巨滑:  奸:奸詐;滑:狡猾。形容世故深而手段極其奸詐狡猾的人。

老奸巨猾:  深歷世故,十分奸詐狡猾的人。例老奸巨猾,匿身州懸,舞法擾民。——《宋史·食貨志》英crafty old scoundrel; deep old file; shrewd and crafty; great hypocrite; old hand at trickery and deception; sly wily old fox;

無可奈何:  沒有辦法;無能為力。例既已無可奈何。——《戰國策·燕策》然終無可奈何。——《史記·屈原賈生列傳》出無可奈何。——宋·文天祥《指南錄·後序》英helpless; have no alternative; have no way out; be utterly hopeless;

虛情假意:  虛假的情意。形容不真誠,做作。例那妖精巧言花語,虛情假意地答道:…——《西遊記》英phonily affection; pretended friendship false display of affection; hypocritical show of friendship;