
注音 一ˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄖㄨㄥˊ ㄘˊ

拼音 yì bù róng cí




⒈  為了道義、大局,不能推辭。

one's sense of honour makes it impossible to refuse; have a bounden duty;

見義勇為:  意識到是正義之舉就大膽去做。英see what is right and have the courage to do it; be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause; do boldly what is righteous; be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it;

當仁不讓:  當:面對。仁:正義之事。《論語·衛靈公》:“當仁不讓於師。”後以“當仁不讓”表示應做之事,就應積極主動去做,不能推託。例夫人臣依義顯君,竭忠彰主,行之美也,當仁不讓。——《後漢書·曹褒傳》英not decline to shoulder a responsibility; in good cause do not lag behind; take sth. as one's obligation;

誼不容辭:  猶言義不容辭。道義上不允許推辭。

理所當然:  按道理應該如此。例就把來結識了這位大哥,也是理所當然。——明·馮夢龍《醒世恆言》英justifiably; a matter of course; as it ought to be; be both natural and right; it goes without saying; it is what propriety requires;


匹夫有責:  每個人都有責任。常與“天下興亡”連用。英every common man has his obligation;

在所不辭:  堅決前往赴任,毫不拒絕推諉。例縱然是粉身碎骨,也在所不辭。英will not refuse under any circumstances; never decline;


刻不容緩:  急迫之極,一刻不能遲緩。例刻不容緩的任務。英allow of no delay; brook no delay; demand immediate action;


責無旁貸:  責:責任;貸:推卸。自己應盡的責任,不能推卸給旁人。英duty-bound;

義無反顧:  高度的正義感或責任心不容許回溯到以前的時間或地點。英honour permits no turning back;⒉  從道義上講只能勇往直前,不能回顧、退縮。英be duty-bound not to turn back;

疾惡如仇:  憎恨邪惡就同憎恨仇人一樣。英hate evil like an enemy abhor evils as deadly foes; abhor evils as if they were personal enemies; hate the wicked as you do your enemies;