注音 ㄐ一ˊ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄐ一ㄣˋ ㄌ一ˋ
拼音 jí gōng jìn lì
▸ 急於求成 ▸ 拔苗助長 ▸ 操之過急 ▸ 好高騖遠 ▸ 打草驚蛇 ▸ 飲鴆止渴 ▸ 鼠目寸光 ▸ 貪功求名
⒈ 急於求得成功,只圖近期得利,形容目光短淺、胸無大志。
英be eager for quick success and instant benefit; seek quick success and instant benefits;
急於求成: 急欲達到目的。
拔苗助長: 即揠苗助長,嫌禾苗長得慢而用手向上提,以助其生長。比喻不顧事物發展的客觀規律,強求速成,反而把事情搞壞。例他還是個孩子呀,可別拔苗助長喲!英pull up the rice shoots with the intention of helping them to grow; try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward;
操之過急: 辦事心情急切,急於求成。例一步一步來,不要操之過急。英act precipitately; act with undue haste; carry sth.too far;
好高騖遠: 騖:通“務”,追求。喜歡追求高遠的目標。形容人不切實際而自命不凡。例不可徒託空言,並且不可好高騖遠。——清·吳趼人《痛史》英aim too high; bite off more than one can chew;
打草驚蛇: 原指懲罰了別人,也警戒了自己。後喻指作事不密,致使人有所戒備。例空自去打草驚蛇,倒吃他做了手腳,卻是不好。——《水滸傳》英beat the grass and frighten away the snake; (fig) act rashly and alert the enemy;
飲鴆止渴: 晉·葛洪《抱朴子·嘉遁》:“咀漏脯以充肌,酣鴆酒以止渴。”。喝鴆毒之酒以解渴,比喻只圖眼前,不顧後患。英drinking poison to quench thirst;
鼠目寸光: 比喻目光短淺,缺乏遠見。英shortsighted;