
注音 ㄕㄡˇ ㄓㄨ ㄉㄞˋ ㄊㄨˋ

拼音 shǒu zhū dài tù




⒈  比喻死守經驗,不知變通。亦用以諷刺妄想不勞而獲的僥倖心理。

stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it—trust to chance and windfalls;

好逸惡勞:  貪圖安逸,不喜勞動。例好逸惡勞者,常人之情,偷情苟簡者,小人之病。——宋·陳敷《農書·稽功之誼篇第十》英love ease and hate work;

守株緣木:  “守株待兔”、“緣木求魚”的略語,比喻不根據實際情況而去做根本不可能做到的事。例乃區區循大道以求之,不幾於守株椽木乎?——馬中錫《中山狼傳》英abbreviation of two idioms:“wait for gains as one who stands by a tree stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves” and “do the impossible as one who climbs a tree to catch fish”;

刻舟求劍:  比喻看問題做事情死板不靈活,不知情隨勢變。英be stubbornly unimaginative as the man who marked the boat to find his lost sword; take measures without regard to changes in circumstances;

墨守成規:  比喻拘泥於成見而不善於機變。英stick to conventions;

緣木求魚:  爬上樹去找魚。比喻行事的方向、方法不對,必將勞而無功。例今以所重加非其人,望其毗益萬分,興化致理,璧猶緣木求魚,升山採珠。——《後漢書·劉玄傳》英Do the impossible as one who climb a tree to catch fish—a fruitless approach;

坐享其成:  自己不勞動,只是坐著受用他人辛勞的收穫。英sit idle and enjoy the fruits of other’s work; reap where one has not sown;

固守成規:  成規:現成的規矩、制度。指思想固執保守,守著老規矩不放,不思改革進取。