注音 ㄓㄨㄣ ㄓㄨㄣ ㄍㄠˋ ㄐ一ㄝˋ
拼音 zhūn zhūn gào jiè
▸ 誨人不倦 ▸ 語重心長 ▸ 耳提面命 ▸ 諄諄教導 ▸ 循循善誘 ▸ 諄諄告戒 ▸ 苦口婆心
⒈ 形容懇切教導。
英repeatedly admonish;
誨人不倦: 樂於教誨人而不知疲倦。例學而不厭,誨人不倦。——《論語·述而》英be tireless in teaching; teach with tireless zeal;
語重心長: 指言辭懇切、情意深長。英with sin cere words and earnest wishes; meaningful;
耳提面命: 《詩經·大雅·抑》:“匪面命之,言提其耳。”意思是不但當面教導他,而且揪著他的耳朵向他講。後來用“耳提面命”形容懇切地教導。英din exhortations into sb's ears;
諄諄教導: 懇切、耐心地教導。
循循善誘: 善於有步驟地輔導他人學習。例循循善誘,服膺儒行。——南朝梁·劉孝標《辨命論》英be good at giving systematic guidance; lead the students skillfully by orderly method; teach with skill and patience;
諄諄告戒: 懇切耐心地教誨勸告。
苦口婆心: 形容像耐心慈祥的老婆婆那樣好心好意地反覆勸慰。英advise in earnest words and with good intention; persuade patiently;