A:Don’t you think it would be an idea to name the ship Dolphin?
B:All right, if that would make you happy.
A:So you’ve got something on your mind, I guess.
B:Well, nothing really serious.
A:I’ve got this really neat idea, you can hire a car and drive straight there.
B:Are you nuts? What would my friends think if they see me in a hired car?
A:But that’s the quickest way to make your plans work.
A:Oh this is hard! Well, I’ll see what I can do.
A:God, I didn’t realize. I didn’t, I didn’t know…
B:…Who you were with? I didn’t know whom you were with.
A:Excuse me?
B:Sorry, it’s from the Godfather. It’s when the, when the movie producer realizes Tom Higgins had emissary of vito corleon, it’s just before the horse’s head ends up in the bed with all the bloodysheets, you know, wakes up, and aaah! Never mind.
A:You were spying on me, weren’t you? You probably rented those children.
B:Why would I spy on you?
A:Because I am your competition which you know perfectly well, or you would not put up that sign 'just around the corner.'
B:The entrance to our store is around the corner. And there’s no other way of saying that. It’s not the name of our store. It’s where it is. And you do not own the phrase “around the corner.”
A:What is that? What are you doing? You’re taking all the caviar! That caviar is a garnish?
B:Look, the reason I came into your store was because I was spending the day with annabell and matt. And I was buying them presents. I’m the type of guy who likes to buy his way into the hearts of children who are his relative. And there’s only one place to find a children’s book in the neighborhood. That will not always be the case. And it was yours. And it was a charming little bookstore. You probably sell what, 350,000 worth of books in a year. And it is a charming little bookstore.
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