


  Bill Gates is a need not in the name of the former addition of attributes, such as the famous Bill Gates. In the 1970s, no one in his name before the addition of attributive. He quickly completed a fundamental change, he has become a hero of the capital era. His life experience, his life sentiment, no matter what time to say, always pondering. Bill Gates has become a hero of this era, he is the idol of young people.

  I remember the fall of a year in the Shanghai Jiaotong University auditorium, I and my classmates when the first sentence is that yesterday, Bill Gates here to talk about how his advanced technology, and today I am here to talk about how his technology The impact of today's society, has changed our way of life and thinking. Each of his inventions will always affect the world, and every one of my lectures can not even affect my children, my students. This is the difference between a celebrity and an ordinary person.

  Bill Gates said that life is not fair, that many of us have this experience. But different people treat life is not fair attitude is completely different.Complaining about the injustice of life, in the blame and lost a lot of opportunities, can not seriously planning for their own lives, the history of life can be imagined. Bill Gates used to blame life unfair time to plan his life, so that his life in the orbit of the winner to run, thus the success of his excellent life. His experience is that society we first have to adapt to it, and then go to change it. This is what we often lack at all levels of education.

  Everyone has their own self-esteem, but the way in which people's self-esteem is maintained, and the ways in which actors grow in different cultural environments are different. The world we live in, for most people, is more likely to be unfair. Our education is in such an environment to start.For everyone, success is not always inevitable, more with chance. You feel good before you have to be successful, you can have a good feeling. Our education should be done to educate students how to achieve success.

  In a market-oriented society, we all want to find a good job at graduation, but this opportunity is clearly not for each newly graduated person prepared. "You will not make $ 40,000 a year," Bill Gates said. "You will not be a vice president of a company and have a car with a phone until you earn both the job and the car. This is his experience. Therefore, we have to do is how to fight to their 40,000 yuan.

  In school, we often feel that the teacher asked too high, that the teacher is too harsh, this is the feeling in the school. One day, when you enter the society, waiting for you to work in the hands of the boss, you will not think so, at that time, you will recall the school life and the teacher one day smile to you, all of everything Become the memory of youth. Your first $ 40,000 is in life for you to smile is to get.

  In urban life, we will encounter many difficulties. If you are in trouble, it is not your parents' fault. Society is a good teacher, the key is what we learn from.Do not complain about mistakes, learn from them. Before we were born, our parents also lived in their way. They become like this today, not all of their reasons. So before you chatter your parents, go clean your own room and try to keep your life away from your parents. Such a sentiment of life is instructive for many of today's people in trouble. But more people do not realize this.

  Your school may no longer have winners and losers, but life is still making a similar distinction, society is the most real, though sometimes very cruel, but you still have to learn to overcome. The school will give you countless opportunities. This and real life in any of the things that there is no similarities, we say that schools are schools, society is society. Especially when our school will be social and school separation, the school is really just a school, and the changing society, we know really too little. We can not get out of school and can quickly adapt to society, so we have more understanding of society and experience.


  Bill Gates biography, a record of great people legendary experience of the book, is really worth seeing, a computer genius, a studious but not abide by the rules of the game characters, a dare to dare, consciousness ahead of the guy, one to one To help the elite can be united in one, to the hearts of the Microsoft Empire dominated the world occupation of the high-end market business leaders, a successful business owners, one of the world's richest but most generous people, this is my mind For Bill Gates, the world's richest man's impression.

  Bill Gates was born in a family of lawyers and teachers, so childhood was a very good education, his partners are very admire his childhood talent and the wisdom of speaking, they say Bill Gates as an adult people. Bill Gates was so interested in computers that he later decided to set up a company with his friend Paul.

  The turning point of his life is after graduating from primary school, came to Seattle private school Lakeside Middle School, of course, Lakeside high school, tuition is very expensive, $ 5,000 per semester, the school also attaches great importance to students with special abilities to encourage students to develop their hobbies and interests, The school is only 300 students, but this school is the first computer school courses in the United States, when the United States committed to the spacecraft on the moon, the community there is a surge in technology, Lakeside Middle School was the first to make wise decisions to introduce computer. It is this decision that has made this development in society now. Bill Gates in the lake middle school shows his talent with the computer, although the class will doze, usually do not have top-notch academic, but this does not stop him to explore the mysteries of the computer, where he laid the foundation for aspirations to the world, also led to Microsoft The ultimate birth of the empire. After graduating from high school, entered the Harvard legal profession, but not interested in it, still a soft spot for the computer, and dissatisfaction with the Harvard system, two years later, with the support of friends, he fired the Harvard squid.

  Bill Gates succeeded in persuading his father and mother, and in the United States more desolate New Mexico established the Microsoft Corporation. Here, they have compiled a microcomputer with the real useless BASIC software. BASIC software has brought a lot of wealth to Microsoft, but the software industry is a fast-growing industry, Microsoft has gradually fallen behind, at this time, Bill and his team did not flinch, they moved the company to the research environment Good Seattle. In 1980, Microsoft was the largest computer hardware company IBM's praise, and IBM's cooperation, so that Microsoft's rapid, defeated Apple. Later, Microsoft also developed WINDOWS Windows and the Internet, Bill became the software market emperor. Microsoft's revenue in 2007 reached 51.12 billion US dollars, Bill changed the world, has become synonymous with the world's richest man.

  Gates can become a software overlord, smart is not the first, he did not want to put the second ambition is the real driving force for success, imagine there is such domineering, the world who can compete with it?

  A good business unit, is everyone wants to enter, because it can give you is a rich salary of materials, to give you a better life protection.But all the material is accumulated and created by the predecessors, you do not haveGates's "Ten Principles of Good Employee", Bill Gates answered us with his experience. First of all, you must love the enterprise, and self-enterprise products of interest, if even its people are not interested, you expect your products will produce a sensation in the market? Only you actively love it, you can find it Advantages, keep the missionary-like enthusiasm to promote your product, impress your customers, you can find it's shortcomings, you can make improvements to the views of the relevant departments, so that products will continue to improve, enterprises willMore thriving!

  In the book also illustrates the importance of responsibility. "People can not great, but not without responsibility", a responsible staff can be regarded as truly excellent staff!

  Bill Gates is the world's richest man, is a well-known legendary figure, his success has attracted worldwide attention, as teen idols. Bill Gates is not only of concern to his wealth, more importantly, his achievements in the cause of his legendary entrepreneurial experience and process. The author from the success of the perspective of the analysis of Bill Gates's success, the introduction of 11 guidelines to guide us to learn, to think. In this book is to succeed in the end, there are many incisive expositions and aphorisms, aphorisms, I learn from the following points:

  First, adhere to the only way to success.

  "Success is a measure of the value of life ruler, it is the need for human self-realization" Success is a state of life. So the success of all people to pursue and longing for the goal; However, to determine the goal is not easy, easy to achieve. Bill Gates also said, "fate is always full of elusive variables," to achieve the goal of success is a process, in this process to encounter frustrations and failures, to pay the price. So whether the difficulties and progress, and win the war, to determine the direction of Qierbushe, adhere to the established goal is an important part, there is no contract and do not insist in the end the spirit, easily halfway.

  Third, we must never insist on continuous progress.

  "Winners are busy with hard work, never rely on the advent of luck," easy to meet, by luck to meet the desire is also one of the performance of the character of vulnerability. "Looking up at the ideal of self, not satisfied with the present self" "Success comes from the positive efforts, hard work and good at thinking" "by the desire and prayer is not enough, must be hands-on to achieve the ideal.For those tasted, Can not adhere to, adhere to, and then adhere to the attitude to complete their studies, to achieve the ideal of the young people, is inspiration is spur.

  Fourth, insist on success must restrict themselves.

  Success must start from the action, to choose their own do not give up the choice to do, and insist on seeking extraordinary from the ordinary, from small things, make a little money to start and so on, all of these arguments, such as: "Do not ignore the little things" "Do not want to get something for nothing" and so full of educating young people's philosophy.

  Everyone's success is not just standing in the spotlight smile when the brilliant so simple, it is through the back of the base of the drops of effort and sweat cast.

  1. Anti-piracy measures: bundled sales

  2. Maximize the potential of working in teams

  3. Do not fear failure, to correctly deal with failure, respect for failure, failure to be "cruel" analysis process.

  4. Work for successful people first, then with successful people, and finally let the successful people work for you.

  5. Through social relations to carry out business, which is attached importance to the development of a network of purposes.

  6. Start with hard work, master time, immediate action.

  7. Google browser competition in the use of the image of Google to build MSN search services and beyond.

  8. First imitate, after the use of technology and capital squeeze each other's market space.

  9. Speed determines who is the winner.

  10. Gates used two opponents of the killer: First, free to promote their own software. The other is to dominate the operating system with the advantages of their own R & D software integrated into the operating system, the exclusion of others.

  13. First win customers, and then provide technology.

  14. Complimentary customers a lot of software, manuals and free phone service has since become Microsoft's future competition with other software vendors killer.

  15. To have a wealth of imagination and the courage to risk the spirit.

  16. Advocating the freedom of the office concept, for the staff to create the best working environment, highlighting the sense of office equality.

  17. To give everyone the greatest opportunities for development is Microsoft's characteristics.

  18. To be fully authorized, so as to more fully stimulate personal potential to achieve business potential.

  19. Each year, each employee must discuss his future career with his or her supervisor. This will help to arrange and allocate resources comfortably.

  20. Incentive effect, not to provide employees with certain fixed income or benefits, and the benefits of employees and their equity investment in the enterprise linked to the personal interests of employees with the enterprise efficiency, management and staff their own efforts and other factors closelycombine together.

  21. Gates specializes in "bronze" award Microsoft product developers, engraved with its participation in the above project name.

  22. The audience party into a good doctor, the audience into a good maker.

  23. Flat organizational structure, open and democratic work style.

  24. Leadership is "guided", not "controlled," by taking a dual career approach to placement and development of star-focused employees who focus on technology and management.

  25. In a company to do the staff of the people, if you want to get promoted quickly, as long as the achievements of a family did not make, do not or urgent need to work.

  Faithful, hard-working, kind-hearted and generous employees are the most easily promoted employees of a company.

  26. "Moore's Law," a book in the interpretation of the Microsoft revolution put forward an important idea :: you can never rest, otherwise, you will never rest.

  27. Many achievements of the cause of the people, are not enough knowledge, they directly aimed at the goal, and then in the creation process, according to the need to add knowledge.

  28. Bill Gates's motto: "I should be king." Even placing him second, for him, is intolerable.

  He once said to his good friend in his childhood, "It is better to be an oak in a bald mound than to make an oasis of grass, because the grass has no individuality, and the oak heads up the sky.

  Bill Gates, who never took notes from elementary school to college, copied a famous quote from Rockefeller: "Even if you strip me out of your clothes, you do not have a penny left, and you're still in an island On, but as long as there are two conditions - give me one

  Point of time, and let a fleet passing from the island, it would not take long, I will become a new billionaire "" "


  "Big success by the team, small success by personal." This is the world's richest man for 13 consecutive years, Bill Gates, one of the summary, in his path to the rich and brilliant entrepreneurial way, always embodies the importance of team spirit , Bill Gates of this sentence industry is called "big success rule."

  Bill Gates was born in Seattle in 1955, he loves computers, he was 13 years old, has been able to carry out simple computer programming design, 14-year-old Gates and his high school classmate Paul. Allen began a further programming exploration . Since childhood love and thinking about the computer, Gates in front of the hole gradually opened a bright future of computer science. 18-year-old Gates admitted to Harvard University, the study of computer programming is hungry, he and roommate Steve Ballmer is very close, usually like to wear a printed Gates "to support Ballmer "Round neck shirt to show this unusual friendship. They are always learning about each other, encouraged, Steve Ballmer's shop, Gates at Harvard University was the first computer for the successful development of a programming language version. However, the next year Gates decided to withdraw from Harvard, in order to work with another friend Paul Allen to work hard in the community, co-founder of both of them Microsoft. In 1975, 20-year-old Bill Gates was appointed Microsoft chairman, CEO and chief software designer. In 1976 Gates and Allen registered ***Microsoft*** trademark, originally intended to be named "Allen and Gates" finally changed to "micro software company", fade individual personal, to highlight the company's team image.

  November 1983 Windows operating system debut debut, provided by the graphical user interface changed the text of the tedious, very intuitive and convenient, by the public favorite. In 1985, 30-year-old Gates at Microsoft's press conference for the first time with Melinda. Then, both fell in love, experienced a decade of tempting lingering love, January 1, 1994 finally to the marriage hall. In order to refuse a large crowd to come to celebrate the wedding ceremony admirers, Gates wedding ingenuity arrangements in the independent separation of Lanai Island in Hawaii held, fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the wedding is very limited, and must take a special helicopter or yacht to arrive. Gates and Melinda is said to be specially scheduled during the wedding all the hotel rooms on the island and all the helicopters, no noise, but also Pu Guizhen, making beautiful Lanai Island has become more quiet, peaceful and pure. In Lanai Island wedding in addition to their loved ones, in the guest table first Paul. Allen, Warren. Buffett so heart-to-heart, like brothers and sisters.

  With the growing prosperity of Microsoft, Gates is also more concerned about the charity around. In 2006, the Gates held a grand charity event.Warren Buffett, a friend of Warren, announced that he would donate $ 30 billion of his own investment company to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which doubled the size of the fund to double The world's largest charitable foundation.

  All the way around the Gates business always flashing a group of followers, partners, supporters of the figure, the formation of elite teams, such as Steve Ballmer's intimate, such as Paul Allen's long-term work together,Such as Warren Buffett's generosity, it is behind a high-quality elite team achievement Gates career on the "big success", and this success can not be separated from Gates personal struggle of the local "small success."

  Bill Gates once said, "If I just want to win, I would have gone to another stage." "I hope I am not the richest man in the world, this is not any good." He also did: 2005 October 28, Gates celebrated his 50th birthday in London, England announced that he will not politics, tens of billions of dollars of wealth will be donated to the community, not as a legacy to future generations. In the same year, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom Buckingham Palace was awarded the British Queen Elizabeth II awarded the "Honor Jazz Medal" in recognition of Gates and his wife Melinda to eliminate the Commonwealth and other developing countries, poverty and improve the health of local people Level of the efforts made. In 2008, Bill Gates in the United Kingdom BBC television interview once again said that his 58 billion US dollars of property will be donated to the name of charitable funds, the money will be used to study AIDS and malaria vaccines, and the world's poor countries To provide assistance to reduce inequalities that exist globally.

  "When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft, I had a lot of dreams about software development, and we wanted our software to have a big impact on the world, and having a computer at every desk and home was always the topic of our discussion. "This is the Gates of the old dream relive, and now his dream has been achieved, daily, we are sharing Gates's operating system, and therefore feel the power of the computer's charm. A fence three piles, a hero three help, when we aftertaste "big success rule", can deeply feel the team spirit of the noble.