Belling the cat
Long ago, there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealing food.
One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that.
At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea.
"We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away."
Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?" The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.
寓意: 有些事情說起來容易,做起來卻很難。
Xi Shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom, so she had a frown on her face when she went out. An ugly girl who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on her bosom and had a frown on her face.
When a rich man in the neighbourhood saw her, he shut his doors tightly and did not go out. When a poor man saw her, he took his wife and children and gave her a wide berth.
She only knew Xi Shi's frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty.
東施的這副模樣,使村裡人大吃一驚,富人緊閉大門不出來,窮人也帶著妻兒躲開。 東施只知道人家皺著眉頭很美,卻不知道為什麼皺著眉頭會美。
Buying shoes
A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He measured his foot and put the measurement on a chair. When he set out for the market he forgot to bring it along. It was after he had found the pair he wanted that this occurred to him.
I forgot the measurement, said he.
He went home to get it but when he returned the market had broken up and he did not get his shoes after all.
Why didn't you try on the shoes with your feet?
He was asked.
I 'd rather trust the measurement than trust myself. ***《Hanfeizi》***
他回家去取量好的尺碼。 等他趕回來時,市集已經關了,他還是沒能買到鞋。
他說:"我寧願相信尺碼也不相信我自己的腳。" ***《韓非子》***
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