An old man was gathering sticks in a forest.
At last he grew very tired and hopeless. He threw down all the sticks and cried out, "I cannot bear this life any longer. Ah, I wish Death would come and take me!"
As he spoke, Death appeared, and said to him, "What would you do, old man? I heard you call me."
"Please, sir," replied the old man, "would you help me lift this bundle of sticks up to my shoulder?"
A child and ramie
A child was careless ramie stabbed, he rushed home and told his mother: "I only lightly Pengyi what, it was my painful thorns." Mom said: "Because of this, it will thorn you. if the next time you met Ramie, to a courageous and seize it, it will be in your hands become soft as silk, you will no longer be stabbed. "
It is said that many people are serving hard against soft.
THE BEASTS of the field and forest had a Lion as their king. He was neither wrathful, cruel, nor tyrannical, but just and gentle as a king could be. During his reign he made a royal proclamation for a general assembly of all the birds and beasts, and drew up conditions for a universal league, in which the Wolf and the Lamb, the Panther and the Kid, the Tiger and the Stag, the Dog and the Hare, should live together in perfect peace and amity.
The Hare said, "Oh, how I have longed to see this day, in which the weak shall take their place with impunity by the side of the strong." And after the Hare said this, he ran for his life.
野兔,“我祈禱能得到這樣的日 子,那時弱者就不怕被強者傷害了”後,兔子說完後,他趕緊逃命去了。
有隻獅子做了國王,他善良、溫和,與人一樣和平、公正。在他的統治下,懲惡揚善, 裁決動物之間的糾紛,使所有的動物和睦相處
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