Towards the end of the Age of Bronze the human world became very cruel.
Men grew hungry,impolite and ungodly.Neither rightn or law was respected any longer,and the rule of hospitality was forgotten.Dressed up in human form,Zeus visited Arcadia andThessaly,and disliked the deadly wrongs of men .He decidedto clear the earth of them all.Without hesitation he released therainy south wind and called upon the heartless Poseidon to help.Soon the whole world sank in a vast ocean, and the entire humanrace disappeared in the unheard of flood,all but two poor Thessalians .
These were an old childless couple,kind and faithful and contented with life.The man was called Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha.Son of Prometheus,Deucalion had been warned beforehand by his father of the coming flood and made himself a hugechest.When the roaring flood came the couple hid themselves init and floated for nine days until it touched land again on Mt Parnassus.
The once active world presented a frightening sight.It was all death and ruin.Feeling lonely and unsafe,the old coupleprayed to the gods for help.A sage instructed them to cast the bones of their mother about .The son of the wise Titan, havingguessed the true meaning of the mysterious command, started throwing stones behind him. A miracle occurred. The stonesthat the man cast became men;the stones that the woman threwturned into women.Since then,people appeared on the land again.The Heroic Age had begun.
On the tenth day after leaving Troy,Odysseus and his men came to an island,where the people only took lotus fruit and flowers as their food.This plant had such a magic effect on its eaters that it could make them forget their past and produce a dreamy laziness over them.
When Odysseus' men arrived,they were kindly invited by the people on the is land to eat the sweet food.Its magic power began to work on the mimmediately.They fell into a deep daydream.They lost all wishes for future,To them the sea and ship appeared dull and hateful.And they were not eager to see wife,child and kingdom.When he saw no trace of his men coming back,Odysseus became suspicious.He set out with some well armed men to find out the truth.
It did not take him long to find out the magic effect of the food.Not allowing his followers to touch the plant,he ordered them to drag their lazy friends back to their ship.There he had them tied to the benches until they slept off the harmful effect of the lotus .Without hesitation they set sail,leaving the dreamy lotuseaters behind.
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