The Greed made up stories about how.The world began, and how gods,giants and people came be.
At first ,they said, the world was all mixed up. Earth fire and water were all mixed together.Then heaven and earth came to be.Heaven was a god,and earth was a goddess their children were giants.One of them,Cronus,was the ruler of time.
Cronus learned from his father that one of his own sons would take away his power. This made cronus angry and afraid,so he swallowed all of his children except one .That one was little Zeus.Zeus was saved by his mother, who gave Cronus a stone dressed as a baby to swallow.She hid Zeus in a cave.
When Zeus grew up he heard of what Cronus had done.He tricked Cronus into drinking strong liquor ,which made him cough the children up ,along with the stone dressed like Zeus!
The children of Cronus were angry ,and their father was angry too.This led to a war .Cronus and most of the giants were on one side, with Zeus and most of the giants were on one side,with Zeus and his brothers and sisters and few giants on the other.
Zeus and his group were on top of mount Olympus .The giants stood on a nearby peak.The fighting was fierce and noisy . Boulders,trees and lingtning bolts flew back and forth.
After ten years the biants were beaten.one giant ,named Atlas,was forced to hold up the sky .Cronus ran away. Zeus and his brothers and sisters became gods and goddesses, and controlled the world.
The Greeks told stories to explain how things came to be. The first animals and the first man were made by two giants who had been on the side of the gods in the war with Cronus
Prometheus,a cheerful giant ,ant his brother were told create birds ,beasts and men.Prometheus let his brother make the birds .the brother was easy going ,and gave them many gifts .
“Have you anything left for man ?”asked Prometheus.
“Sorry,said his brother .I have given most of the good things away .”
Then I’ll try to get fire for him ,”said Prometeus .
Fire was a great power ,and Zeus had said that it must not live heaven.Fire was sacred to the gods .Prometheus was truly noble,and did not want man ,who was made of clay and water to be weak.
He went up to heaven and lit a torch near the sun.He brought the torch back to earth and gave it to the first man.
Zeus was so angry when he found out about this that he tied pronetheus to a great rock on a mountain.Avulture came and ate his liver,and Prometheus wanted to die and his pain.But Zens made the liver grow back each night,and every day the vulture ate it .
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