


  1、my heart is with you。我的愛與你同在。

  2、brief is life, but love is long。生命雖短,愛卻綿長。

  3、the soul cannot live without love。靈魂不能沒有愛而存在。

  4、love is a light that never dims。愛是一盞永不昏暗的明燈。

  5、life is the flower for which love is the honey。生命如花,愛情是蜜。

  6、first love is unforgettable all one's life。初戀是永生難忘的。

  7、love is a carefully designed lie。愛情是一個精心設計的謊言。

  8、a heart that loves is always young。有愛的心永遠年輕。

  9、when love is not madness, it is not love。如果愛不瘋狂就不是愛了。

  10、fading is true while flowering is past。凋謝是真實的 盛開只是一種過去。

  11、may we always have the same fortunate air。讓我們永遠擁有這幸福。

  12、distance makes the hearts grow fonder。距離使兩顆心靠得更近。

  13、if i know what love is,it is because of you。因為你,我懂得了愛。

  14、love is the greatest moment in life。愛情是生活最好的提神劑。

  15、 love doesn't walk away, people do。愛是不會離開你的,會離開你的是人。

  16、love is the greatest refreshment in life。愛情是生活最好的提神劑。

  17、she who has never loved, has never lived。人活著總要愛一回。

  18、if i know what love is, it is because of you。因為你,我懂得了愛。

  19、take away love, and our earth is a tomb。沒有了愛,地球便成了墳墓。

  20、love is a vine that grows into our hearts。愛是長在我們心裡的藤蔓。

  21、where there is love, there are always wishes。哪裡有愛,哪裡就有希望。

  22、i'll think of you every step of the way。我會想你,在漫漫長路的每一步。

  23、love understands love; it needs no talk。相愛的心息息相通,無需用言語傾訴。

  24、eternity is not a distance but a decision。永遠不是一種距離,而是一種決定。

  25、the darkness is no darkness with thee。有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。

  26、i need him like i need the air to breathe。我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空氣。

  27、there is no remedy for love but to love more。治療愛的創傷唯有加倍地去愛。

  28、love keeps the cold out better than a cloak。愛比大衣更能驅走寒冷。

  29、passionate love is a quenchless thirst。熱烈的愛情是不可抑制的渴望。

  30、where there is great love。 there are great miracles。哪裡有愛,哪裡就有奇蹟。


  1、at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。每一個沐浴在愛河中的人都是詩人。

  2、your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic。你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。

  3、no words are necessary between two loving hearts。兩顆相愛的心之間不需要言語。

  4、every day without you is like a book without pages。沒有你的日子就像一本沒有書頁的書。

  5、where there is great love, there are always miracles。哪裡有真愛存在,哪裡就有奇蹟。

  6、we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us。如果沒有人愛我們,我們也就不會再愛自己了。

  7、i miss you so much already and i haven't even left yet!儘管還不曾離開,我已對你朝思暮想!

  8、the love we give away is the only love we keep。我們付出的愛是我們唯一長久擁有的愛。

  9、love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of。愛很難投入,但一旦投入,便更難走出。

  10、may your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight。願你的愛乘著飛翔的白鴿,展翅高飛。

  11、keep me in your love as you are all i desire。讓我沉浸在你的愛裡,因為你是我所想。

  12、who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one。有愛同行,千里之遙也不過咫尺。

  13、love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases。愛情就像月亮,不增則減。

  14、love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered。愛情是一方織巾,用自然編織,用幻想點綴。

  15、look into my eyes you will see what you mean to me。看看我的眼睛,你會發現你對我而言意味著什麼。

  16、if you love the life you live,you will live a life of love。如果你愛你的生活,你的生活就會充滿愛。

  17、with the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines。擁有你美麗的愛情,太陽就永遠明媚。

  18、sometimes love is not enough when the road gets tough。有時候,當生活的路越來越艱難時,只有愛就不夠了。

  19、look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me。看看我的眼睛,你會發現你對我而言意味著什麼。

  20、if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me。如果沒有相等的愛,那就讓我愛多一些吧。

  21、the best kind of feelings in life are the ones you can't explain。命中最美好的感受往往妙不可言。

  22、when a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt。當香菸愛上火柴時,就註定受到傷害。

  23、a joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love。內心只要有愛在燃燒,就不然有快樂。