How to Be a Good Student?
As a student. It’s necessary and important to behave well.
When we come back home from school, we should try our best to help our parents. When we are at school, we should get on well with our schoolmates and teachers. We should also help each other .We should follow the school rules, too. In public ,we should be ready to help others who are in trouble. We’d better not talk or laugh loudly. When we are on a bus, we should offer our seats to the old and the women with babies.In a word, wherever we are, we should behave well to be good students. If we do, our society will be better and better.
My View on Discipline
Almost all of the foreigner investment companies believe that company need to be discipline first, then efficiency.But how do they do?
Firstly, leaders should exactly do what they have said, that is the beginning of the discipline, and it will impact the reputation of the company. If every employee of the company can do what they said, the discipline teams can be built.
Secondly, the leaders of the company must be careful about the order they transmit making it, please think and think carefully, otherwise, once has given the order, but no execution, the organization’s discipline will not be exist.
Finally, the discipline is part of the company culture, how to standard the company’s discipline, is a large knowledge, since discipline is exist company’s invisible culture, is part of the organization, that require every employee be credit and said to do.
Running a classroom can seem as impossible as controlling a pack of wild dogs. Regain control by making rules your class will actually follow.
You Will Need
Poster board
STEP 1 Work with the class
Work with your students and ask them to help you create the rules for the classroom. Have them write down their suggestions on paper.
STEP 2 Think about actions
Come up with the most important actions and behavior the class should follow. Talk about goals the class should strive for in terms of grades, work habits, and behavior.
STEP 3 Discuss reasoning
Discuss the reason behind the actions and behaviors, and elaborate on what makes them important.
STEP 4 Write the rules
Review what your students wrote and what was discussed in class, and write a set of rules that expresses the class's goals.Limit the number of rules to six. Three rules are optimal.
STEP 5 Keep it short and simple
Keep the rules short and use easy-to-understand language. Make sure the tone of the rules is respectful to your students.
STEP 6 Post the rules
Type and print the rules. Make a poster with a class photo and signatures of all of your students. As a class, decorate the poster, and then hang it where it can be seen.
According to a 2005 study by the National Center for Education Statistics, there is an average of 3.8 students per instructional computer with internet access.
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