One day,the teacher walked into her classroom and announced to the class that on each Friday,she will ask a question of the class and anyone who answers correctly doesn't have to go to school the following Monday.
One the first Friday,the teacher asked,"how many grains of sand are there on the beach?”Needless to say,no one could answer.The following Friday, the teacher asks the class,“How many stars are there in the sky?”and no one could answer.
Frustrated,little Johnny decided that the next Friday,he would somehow answer the question and get a three-day weekend. So on Thursday night, Johnny took two ping一gong balls and painted them black. The next day, he brought them to school in a paper bag. At the end of the day,just when the teacher said,"here’s this weekend’s question,"Johnny emptied the bag to floor,sending the ping一pong balls rolling to the front of the room.
Because they were young kids who find any disruption of class amusingthe entire class started laughing.The teacher said,"OK,who's the comedian with the black balls?"Immediately,little Johnny stood up and said,"Johnny Henry,see you on Tuesday”
After the student delivered the pizza to old Ken's house,Ken asked,"What is the usual tip?”
"Well,”replied the youth,"this is my first trip here,but the other blokes say if I get 5p out of you,I’II be doing great.”
"Is that sot”snorted Ken. "Well,just to show them how wrong they are,here’s five quid.”
"Thanks,”replied the youth,“I'll put this towards to my studies.”
"What are you studying”asked Ken.The lad smiled and said,"Applied psychology.”
One day,a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator,a chick just got out of it’s eggshell.
"It's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the eggshell,isn't it's it?”the teacher said.
"Yes,sir,"said one of the boys,“But it would be more wonderful if we knew that how a chick gets into its eggshell beforehand.”
A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad."Now,children,"said she,"has anyone of you ever made someone else glad?"
"Please, a small boy,:I’ve made someone glad yesterday."
"Well done. Who was that”
"My granny."
"Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother glad."
"Please,teacher,I went to see her yesterday,and stayed with her three hours.Then I said to her,‘Granny, I’m going home’,and she said,‘Well,I'm glad!’”
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