

  :The Clever Dog 聰明的小狗

  A little boy was practicing his violin, while his father sat reading the newspaper. The family dog began to howl along dismally.

  Finally, the father could endure the combination no more and said, "Can't you play something the dog doesn't know?"



  :A smart horse 聰明的馬

  There was a farmer who fell and broke his hip while he was plowing***耕地*** , and his horse immediately galloped***疾馳,飛奔*** five miles to the nearest town and returned, carrying a doctor on his back.

  "That’s a pretty smart horse," the farmer’s friend later observed.

  "Well, he’s not really so smart," the farmer said. "The doctor he brought back was a veterinarian!"



  :Who's better stisfied? 誰更滿足?

  A person with six children or a person with $6 million, who is better satisfied? Why? The person with six children of course. Because the one with $6 million wants more. 一個有六個孩子的人和一個有600萬美元的人,誰更滿足?為什麼? 當然是有六個孩子的那個,因為有600萬美元那個還想要得更多。

  :Such a Long Dog 如此長的狗

  Once there was a blind. One day when he was walking, he stepped the head of the dog who was sleeping. The dog barked for a while. The blind man went on for miles, this time he stepped the other dog's tail, so this dog barked. The blind man had thoughtthat it was the first dog, so he said in surprise, It's a wonder that the dog is so long.


  :How Did You Ever Get Here

  One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late. "It was so slippery out that for every step I took ahead, I slipped back two."

  The boss eyed him suspiciously. "Oh, yeah? Then how did you ever get here?"

  "I finally gave up," he said, "and started for home."



