Monkeys fishing month
One day,a little monkey is playing by the well.
He looks in the well and shouts :
“Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!”
An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says,
“Goodness me!The moon is really in the water!”
And olderly monkey comes over.
He is very surprised as well and cries out:
“The moon is in the well.”
A group of monkeys run over to the well .
They look at the moon in the well and shout:
“The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!”
Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch .
And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands.
All the other monkeys follow his suit,
And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.
Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and
happens to see the moon in the sky,
He yells excitedly “Don’t be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!”
它往井裡一瞧,高喊道: 噢!我的天!月亮掉到井裡頭啦!
“糟啦!月亮掉在井裡頭啦!” 老猴子也跑過來。
“糟了,月亮掉在井裡頭了!” 一群猴子跑到井邊來,
然後,老猴子倒掛在大樹上, 拉住大猴子的腳,
其他的猴子一個個跟著, 它們一隻連著一隻直到井裡。
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