Last Friday a distinguished Anglican clergyman, the Rev Paul Oestreicher, told us that in his opinion Jesus Christ was probably gay because of his affection for his beloved apostle St John. Next day, however, the former Tory MP and Times columnist Matthew Parris challenged the very idea of an exclusive gay identity, saying "the categorisation of a whole section of males as homosexuals, in inverted commas, or indeed heterosexuals, ditto, was simply a mistake.So sexual orientation is a lot more fluid than we have supposed. Mr Parris who often writes bravely and honestly about his own sexuality could never be accused of homophobia. But if he's right, then the whole notion of clearly identifiable gayness is questionable. If the concept does not really exist, Paul Oestreicher cannot usefully apply it to Jesus.
上週五,一位傑出的英國國教牧師Paul Oestreicher說,根據耶穌對他的愛徒聖約翰的摯愛來看,耶穌很可能是個同性戀。第二天,前保守黨下議院議員,Times專欄作家Matthew Parris對同性戀這一單一身份標籤提出了質疑,說道:“將一大批男人單純的區分為要麼同性戀要麼異性戀,這完全是個錯誤。”所以說,這性取向問題的變數比我們想象的要大的多。Parris先生經常暢談自己的性事,所以我們不能認為他討厭同性戀。但如果他是對的,那麼存在明白無誤、徹頭徹尾的同性戀這個想法本身就相當值得商榷。如果這個概念並不存在,那麼Paul Oestreicher也就能不能將之加諸於耶穌。
"I'm spiritual but I'm not religious" is now a commonplace among people in Britain, themajority of whose population live their lives without reference to organised religion. In myrole as an Anglican priest, I meet significant numbers of people who are on the cusp of leavingthe church or on the cusp of wondering whether there's anything in it - people who are veryunsure about the role faith or religious practice should or does have in contemporary society. Imet a woman recently who works in the NHS who said that she found it a lot easier to say towork colleagues that she was gay than a Christian, as it was hard to be associated with thechurch in this generation.
“我有精神信仰,但我不信宗教”,這是英國民眾當下的口頭禪,大部分英國民眾都不參加有組織的宗教活動。作為英國國教牧師,我遇到過相當一部分英國民眾正遊離於遠離教會的邊緣或正在思考宗教到底有些什麼內容 -- 他們懷疑宗教活動或者宗教信仰在當代社會到底有什麼作用,或者應該起一個什麼樣的作用。我最近碰到個在NHS工作的女性,她說與其跟同事說自己信教,還不如說自己是個同性戀來的好理解,因為這一代人很難跟教會產生共鳴。
More recent and disturbing history will be reviewed this week by a court in Oslo. While AndersBehring Breivik will present his own warped view of reality, victims and bereaved families willconfront again the terror of what actually happened. To resist simple vengeance, pursuejustice and to relive the pain is a brave thing to do and shows in the words of thecommentator Libby Purves that "the default setting of Western civilisation is not hatred orfear but hope".Perhaps, part of that default setting of hope stems from our Judaeo-Christianhistory. The last steel ingot from the Consett steelworks was made into a cross and is kept at alocal Roman Catholic Church. It represents for me the pain of the past but also hope for thefuture.It is tempting to despair for the future of the world, in a time of financial insecurity andmindless terrorism. Yet history does remind me that human communities of justice and lovestill triumph.
這周奧斯陸法庭將會翻開最近一段紛擾的歷史。儘管Anders Behring Breivik會繼續歪曲事實,受害者和受害者家庭將為還原真實恐怖事件而戰。不為復仇,只想討回公道而自揭傷疤,這種行為是勇敢的,用評論員LibbyPurves的話來說,“西方文明的本質不是仇恨或恐懼,而是希望。”可能,這種希望的本質部分來源於猶太-基督歷史。Consett鋼鐵廠最後一塊鋼錠做成了一個十字架,現存於當地的一家羅馬天主教堂裡。對我來講,這代表了過去的傷痛和對未來的希望。當遭遇財務危機或者無端恐怖事件時,人們很容易會對這世界的未來失望。但是,歷史告訴我們,公道和愛終將勝利。
The trouble about money is that it is often linked to power. Money well used can do great things which benefit many people, anything from funding the arts to bringing food and water to a starving nation. It has great pragmatic possibilities. But there is another power which has to do with the presumption that enough money should buy influence and assure control to the benefit of those who are wealthy.As a Christian I could never demonise money. Jesus mentions it in half his parables. He relies on charitable giving especially from women, and he's clearly at ease in the company of affluent people. There is nothing in the Jewish-Christian tradition or in any great world religion to my knowledge which says that money is intrinsically bad. Nor can it be claimed that moral questions only rise when we consider the unhealthy addiction some people have to accumulating wealth.The primary moral issue is whether in dealing with wealth, we become less concerned about the good things our money can do, and more convinced of the presumed synonym that money equals power.
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