Hope everything goes well! It’s Judy.
We are in receipt of your inquiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow: XXXXXXX.
pls kindly check whether price is workable ? Becasue price will be invalid onxxxx.
Wish we will promote business.
我是東方高聖投資顧問有限公司的________,今日上午曾與貴司________先生/女士就貴司併購事宜做過電話溝通, 經貴司_________先生/女士提議, 現將特為貴司製作的公司併購建議書發給您***見附件***,請查收。
我們在中國資本市場已積累長達十餘年的併購經驗, 除與拉法基集團、國家開發銀行、泰達集團等國內外大型企業、機構長期合作之外,創業板的推出令我們更多地將目光投向中國本土最具成長性的中小企業。 作為上市公司“主語式併購”的積極推動者, 我們於xx年推出“中小企業青春期成長計劃”,並相繼擔任北京立思辰科技股份有限公司 、成都金亞科技股份有限公司、樂視網資訊科技股份有限公司的併購財務顧問。
基於上述專案經驗,我們特別針對貴司的情況製作了公司併購建議書, 希望能與您共同分享我們對於創業板上市公司併購方面的心得、體會。有任何想法, 歡迎您與我們交流。
Hope everything goes well with you!
Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It isregret that I haven't received any information from your side. May I have youridea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply.
If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company.
Dear Sir,
Very glad to send E-mail to you, I’m Annie. I have learned your name from the website which shows you are interest in ball chair.
First I’d like to introduce our company,which is one of the largest ball chair manufacturers in China, mainly produce ball chair,egg chair,bubble chair and other chairs. We would like to supply high-class products and satisfy every customer's needs.
We approach you today in the hope of establishing long
business relations with you and expect, by our joint effects, to enlarge our business scope.
It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquiries for any of the items against which we will send you our competitive price with high quality.
Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.
Thanks& best regards
Yours faithfully, Steven
Website: Add: XXX
Tel: 0086-769-26048888 Fax: 0086-XXX
Cell phone: 0086-13717413999
Dear Customer
I got your formal order with many thanks, as per our agreement, we need your deposit to start production, would you please arrange it asap better before xx date, if so, we still can push factory to do the bulk production in order to let you get the goods in due time, thank you for your cooperation. Regards xx
Dear ***,
Sorry to trouble you again. Because the busy order season is coming, please confirm the details and arrange the wire transfer soon. We need to arrange the mass production asap to keep the delivery on time. Thanks.
Kind Regards. ***
Hi ,Sara
Nice to hear from u .
We are in Beijing now , and will back to Yemen the day after
tomorrow casue of temporary problems in Yemen , but my friends will stay here for a few more days .
We have filed your company infomation and quotation, will give u the final answers in the near future. By the way , do u have PPT Document including ur company inroduction and products catalogue ? We need them to show to our Yemen Govnt or other security dealers.
Steve Basnett
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