





  In my opinion…. ***我的意見是….***

  I think / believe that ***我覺得/相信***

  If you ask me…. ***如果你問我….***

  The point is that…. ***我的觀點是….***

  As far as I'm concerned…. ***就我而言…***

  I'd like to say this…. ***我會這樣說***


  So do I. ***我也這樣認為***

  I agree ***with you*** completely / entirely. ***我完全認同***

  I can't agree with you anymore. ***我非常同意你說的***

  I feel the same way. ***我有同樣的想法***

  Exactly/ Of course. ***表示絕對、當然***


  I don't think so. ***我不這樣認為***

  I'm afraid I disagree. ***我恐怕不是這麼想***


  I don't like to disagree with you, but…. ***我不喜歡反對你,但….***

  All right, but don't you think…. ***好吧,但你不覺得….***

  ……However….. ***然而…這可舉出你部分同意的地方,再表述你覺得不好的地方***

  But what about…..? ***但關於…方面呢?***



  What I mean to say was…. ***我的意思是說….***

  Let me repeat what I said…. ***讓我整理重申我剛講的是….***


  What do you think about? ***你覺得怎樣?***

  How do you see it? ***你怎麼看?***

  What's your view on the matter? ***這件事你的看法如何?***

  Let's have your opinion. ***讓我們聽聽你的意見***


  Basically we're in agreement. ***基本上我們有共識***

  I think we have agree to disagree. ***我想我們有相同點與不同點***

  I think we have different opinions. ***我知道我們有歧見***



  Do you agree? 你同意嗎?

  Are you for or against his idea? 你是贊成還是反對他的主意?

  Are we all behind this? 大家都同意嗎?

  What do you think of my proposal? 你覺得我的建議怎麼樣?

  Don't you think so? 你不這麼認為嗎?

  How dose that sound? 那樣行嗎?

  Does it work for you? 你沒問題吧?/你同意嗎?

  I want a definite answer 我要一個明確的答覆

  Is it “yes” or “no”? “是”還是“不是”?

  Yes or no? 是”還是“不是”?

  Take it or leave it. 接受還是拒絕。

  Now do we have a deal or not? 我們達成一致了嗎

  Please tell me what you honestly think 請告訴我你真是想法

  It doesn't answer my question 這可不算答覆

  That's no answer 這不是答覆

  That's not what I want to know 這不是我要知道的事情

  You didn't answer my question 你沒有回答我的問題


  Yes. 是的。 Certainly! 當然! Exactly! 完全正確! Of course 當然 Right 對 You are right 你是對的 Correct 正確 That's correct 太正確了 Good 很好 Great 很棒

  Absolutely! 一點兒沒錯! Excellent 好極了 Fantastic! 好極了! Definitely! 當然! 肯定地!

  Bingo! 對了! Me too. 我也是。

  Great idea 好主意 Good thinking 好想法

  Not bad 還行/不壞 No problem here 沒問題

  No objection 沒有異議

  No doubt 毫無疑問/確實是這樣

  Sounds good 聽起來很好

  Sounds great. 聽起來不錯。

  Sounds alright to me 聽起來挺好

  Sounds like a good idea to me 聽起來像是一個好主意

  Sounds like fun 好像挺有意思

  So be it. 就這樣吧/就這麼決定了。

  fair enough 當然行

  In a word, yes 一句話,

  That's great 太棒了

  That's Right 太對了


  That's fair 當然可以

  That's a good idea 是個好主意

  That's the spirit! 這就對了!

  That's fine with me 那樣很好

  I agree 我同意

  I agree with you 我同意你

  I totally agree with you. 我完全同意你。

  I'm for it 我同

  I'll say! 我也要這麼說!

  I'll take it. 我接受。

  I agree with you partially 我同意部分

  I agree entirely 我完全同意

  I think so, too 我也這樣認為

  I'll back you up! 我支援你!

  I'm behind you 100% 我100%的支援你

  I'm with you 100% 我100%的支援你

  I'm 100% with you on that one 在那方面我100%的支援你

  Your answer is to the point 你說到點子上了

  Your opinion is reasonable 你的意見有道理

  You've really hit the nail on the head 你真說到點子上了

  You can say that again. 我完全同意你所說的。

  You did the right thing. 你做的對。

  You got that right. 你是對的。

  You are absolutely right. 你說的太對了。

  You are partially correct 你部分是對的

  That's not entirely true. 也不全是。

  Now you're talking! 正合我意!

  In a sense he's right 在某種意義上,他是對的

  I don't have any objection to it 我不反對

  You bet. 你說的沒錯。

  I bet 應該是吧

  We are all for it 我們都同意

  Why not? 為什麼不?/好的

  Hear, hear! 說的對,說的好

  I'm afraid so 恐怕就是這樣

  My answer's “yes”. 我的答案是“同意”。


  Negative. 否定。

  Objection! 我抗議!

  Absolutely not. 絕對不行。

  I'm don't agree 我不同意


  I'm don't agree with you 我不同意你

  To be honest, I don't really agree with you 老實說,我不太贊同你

  We don't agree on this point 在這點上我們意見分歧

  I can't agree 我不能同意

  I can't agree with you 我不能同意你

  I'm not sure I can agree 我恐怕不能同意

  I'm afraid disagree with you 我恐怕不同意你

  I'm afraid I can't quite agree with you about that. 關於這點,恐怕我不能完全贊成。 I'm afraid we can't 恐怕我們不能

  I'm afraid I wouldn't say that 恐怕我不敢苟同

  Are you crazy? 你瘋了嗎?

  You must be kidding 你一定是在開玩笑。

  What are you talking about? 你在說什麼?

  I don't think so 我不這麼認為

  I don't think that's true 我認為那不正確

  I don't think that's a good idea 我認為那不是一個好主意

  I think you'll find that's not correct 您好像說錯了

  I don't see why 我看不出有什麼理由

  I wouldn't say that 我不贊同。

  Not really 不是那樣

  Not exactly 不完全同意

  No, sir 不,先生

  No way 不行

  No good 那可不好

  Bad idea 餿主意

  Wrong 不對

  You're wrong. 你錯了。

  You got it all wrong. 你全搞錯了。

  Not a good idea 不是好主意

  That's a bad idea 那真是壞主意

  That's a terrible idea 那真是餿主意

  That's not a good idea 那可不是好主意

  That's not right 那是不對的

  That's wrong 那是錯誤的

  That's incorrect. 那是不正確的。

  That won't do 那樣不行

  Let's not 算了吧

  Nonsense! 胡說!

  That's out of the question 那根本不可能

  That's impossible 那怎麼可能

  impossible 不可能

  I object! 我反對!

  Contrary to what you think. 和你想的恰恰相反。

  It won't work 行不通


  It maybe not be that simple. 可沒那麼簡單

  It's not like that. 並非如此。

  It's the other way around. 恰恰相反。

  On the contrary. 恰恰相反。

  No, quite the opposite. 不,完全相反。

  Maybe not 不好

  That's not what you said 你不是這麼說的

  you didn't say that 你沒有那麼說

  I didn't mean that 我不是那個意思

  That's not what I mean 我不是那個意思

  I'm not talking about that 我沒說那個

  You misunderstood me 你誤解我了

  Certainly not 哪兒有的事

  Of course not 當然不是

  I deny that 我否認

  Who said that? 誰說的?

  Says who? 誰說的?

  Not't be so sure. 別這麼確定。


  Maybe yes, maybe no 也許是,也許不是

  Yes and no 也是也不是

  Half and Half 一半一半/難說

  It's difficult/hard to say 怎麼說呢

  It's still up in the air. 還不確定。

  I can't guarantee it 我不能保證

  There's no guarantee 不能保證

  I can't say 我說不好

  I couldn't say 我說不好

  I can't say for certain 我說不好

  I can't say for sure 我說不好

  That's about right 差不多吧

  Hopefully 但願如此

  I doubt it 我懷疑

  I'm not really sure. 我不能肯定

  I'm not so sure about that. 這個我說不準。

  It depends 那的看情況

  I hope you're right 但願你是對的

  Let me think about it 讓我想想

  Give me time to think it over 給我時間想一下

  I need some time to think it over 我需要些時間考慮

  What do you think? 你什麼意思呢?

  I'll think about it 我考慮考慮吧

  I'll give it some thought 我得多想想

  I'll think it over 我得琢磨琢磨

  I'll see what I can do 我的研究研究

  Let me sleep on it 給我一個晚上的時間考慮

  what's your answer? 你的答案是什麼?

  What's your opinion? 你的意見呢?

  What's your viewpoint? 你的觀點呢?

  What's your point of view? 你的觀點呢?

  What's your suggestion? 你的建議呢?

  What do you suggest? 你建議什麼?

  What else? 還有別的嗎?

  Anything else? 還有別的嗎?

  What's left? 還有別的嗎?

  Missing anything? 還缺少什麼?

  He gave me an ambiguous answer 他給我的回答很含糊 

  His answer was very vague 他的回答很含糊

  He wasn't very clear 他不很清楚
