Do you mind if I ask you a favor? *要注意回答“可以”時用No,“不可以”時用Yes。
Do you mind if I ask you a favor? ***我可以請您幫個忙嗎?***
No, not at all. ***沒問題,完全可以。***
Can I ask a favor?
May I ask you a favor? *這兩個例句和上面例句不同,用Yes回答“可以”。
Would you give me a hand?
Would you please help me?
Would you mind giving me a hand?
Could you help me out?
I'm sorry to bother you,...
I'm sorry to bother you, but can you help me? ***對不起,能幫我一下嗎?***
It's no bother. ***沒問題。***
I'll be glad to.
I'd be happy to.
With pleasure.
Love to.
Could I possibly...?
Could I possibly use your bathroom? ***我能用一下您的洗手間嗎?***
Of course. ***當然。***
If you'd like,... *you'd是you would的縮寫形式。
If you want to,...
Could you pass the sugar, please? *用於吃飯時等請別人拿自己夠不到的東西時。
Could you pass the sugar, please? ***請您把糖拿過來行嗎?***
Sure. Here you are. ***好的。給你。***
Could I have the sugar, please?
Could you hand me the sugar, please?
Could you give me the sugar, please?
Sugar, please. *比較隨便的說法。
Here you are. *用於拿出對方所期待著的東西時。
Here you go.
Here it is.
Please do this.
What do you want me to do? ***你想讓我做什麼?***
Please do this. ***請做這個。***
Please take care of this.
Would you please do this ***for me***? ***您能為我做這個嗎?***
Would you drive me to the store?
Would you take me to the store?
Would you drop me off at the store? ***能讓我在那家店下車嗎?***
Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel?
Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel? ***您能幫我找到ABC飯店的電話號碼嗎?***
My pleasure. ***可以啊!***
I don't know how to fill out this form. *fill out是固定搭配,表示“在空白處填寫”。form是“表格用紙”。
How do I fill out this form?
Can you help me with this form? ***您能幫我填一下這張表嗎?***
Tell me why.
What's the reason? ***理由是什麼呢?***
Why do you think that? ***你為什麼那麼想?***
May I borrow your pen? *borrow“借入”。
May I use your pen?
Is it okay if I use your pen?
Do you have a pen?
Do you have a pen that I can borrow?
Can you lend me ten dollars?
Would you give me a call?
Could you call me?
Can you ring me up?
I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight.
I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight. ***你今天晚上如果能給我打個電話的話,我將非常感激。
I'd be glad to. ***我非常願意。***
Please turn it down. *turn down 是“關小”電視、收音機等的聲音。另外關於turn還有以下幾種用法。
turn up ***開大〈電視、收音機等〉的聲音。***
turn off ***關上〈電視、收音機等〉***
turn on ***開啟〈電視、收音機等〉***
Would you please turn it down? *比較有禮貌的說法。
Would you please turn it down? ***能把聲音關小點嗎?***
All right. ***好吧!***
Not so loud, please.
Please lower the volume.
It's too loud. Turn it down. ***太吵了,關小點聲。*** *帶有命令的語感。
Wait here until I get back.
Please wait here for me.
Excuse me. *用於向不認識的人打招呼時。是一句很常用的口語。
Excuse me. ***勞駕。***
Can I help you? ***有事嗎?***
Pardon me.
Hello, there!
Hi, there!
Hey! *表示呼籲、喜悅、吃驚等。口氣有些傲慢無禮,所以對不認識的人最好用Excuse me.
Hey, you!
Say! *比較舊的說法。
Do you have time? *“你有時間嗎?”,如果是Do you have the time?的話,意思是“你知道幾點了嗎?”。
Do you have time? ***你有空兒嗎?***
Sure. ***有空。***
Do you have a minute?
Can I ask you a favor? *常用在需要拜託或請求別人之前。
Can I ask you a favor? ***我想求你件事行嗎?***
Sure. What is it? ***當然。什麼事?***
Can I ask you a favor? ***我想求你件事。***
Sorry, I'm busy. ***對不起,我很忙。***
May I ask a favor of you? *更禮貌的說法。
Could you do me a favor?
Could you help me?
Can you help me?
May I ask you something?
May I ask you something? ***我想打聽點兒事。***
Sure. Go ahead. ***當然,請說吧。***
May I ask ***you*** a question?
I'd like to ask you something.
I have a question.
Could you tell me something?
Do you have time to answer a question?
Could you answer a question?
I hate to bother you, but can I ask you a question? ***真不好意思,打擾您了,我可以問個問題嗎?***
Sorry for interrupting. *向正在工作或正在說話的人說話時的表達方式。
Sorry for interrupting... ***對不起,打斷一下可以嗎?***
Oh, you're not. ***噢,沒關係。***
I'm sorry to interrupt you.
May I interrupt you?
Excuse me for interrupting.
Forgive me for interrupting.
Guess what? *跟對方說話時,說Guess what?來吸引對方的注意。
Guess what? ***你猜怎麼著?***
What? ***怎麼啦?***
You know what?
Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. *錯向陌生人打招呼時。
Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. ***對不起,我認錯人了。***
That's all right. ***沒關係。***
Sorry, I thought you were someone else.
You're not who I thought you were. Sorry.
Oops. My mistake. ***不好,我弄錯了。***
May I use your phone?
May I use your phone? ***我能用一下您的電話嗎?***
Go right ahead. ***請用吧。***
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