雅思寫作文章 避開這幾個誤區
比如:When all things are considered, young adults of today live more satisfying lives than those of their parents, in my opinion。
這句話當中的“when all things are considered”和“in my opinion“都顯得多餘。完全可以去掉。改為:
Young adults of today live more satisfying lives than their parents。
例如:Due to the fact that our grandparents were under an obligation to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have at this point in time。
“due to the fact that”就是一個很典型的繁瑣的表達方式的例子,可以替換,簡化為下面的表達方式:
Because our grandparents were obligated to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have now。
1. 儘量避免重複使用同樣的詞彙。或者有的時候雖然詞彙沒有重複,但意思卻有重複。這時候可以做一些簡化的工作。
例如下面這個例子:The farm my grandfather grew up on was large in size。
large對一個farm來說就是size方面的large,所以in size可以去掉,改為:
The farm my grandfather grew up on was large。
My grandfather grew up on a large farm。
例如:My grandfather has said over and over again that he had to work on his parents' farm。
這裡的over and over again就可以改為repeatedly,顯得更為簡潔:
My grandfather has said repeatedly that he had to work on his parents' farm。
1.一個句子的主語和謂語動詞 應該能夠反映句子中的最重要的意思
例如:The situation that resulted in my grandfather's not being able to study engineering was that his father needed help on the farm。
從意思上來分析,上面這句話需要表達的重要的概念是“grandfather's not being able to study”,而在表達這個概念時,原句用的主語是situation,謂語動詞是was,不能強調需要表達的重點概念,可以改為下面這句話:
My grandfather couldn't study engineering because his father needed help on the farm。
2. 避免頻繁使用“there be”結構
例如下面的句子:There were 25 cows on the farm that my grandfather had to milk every day. It was hard work for my grandfather。
My grandfather worked hard. He had to milk 25 cows on the farm every day。
My grandfather worked hard milking 25 cows daily。
3. 把從句改為短語或單詞
例如:Dairy cows were raised on the farm, which was located100 kilometers from the nearest university and was in an area that was remote。
The dairy farm was located in a remote area, 100 kilometers to the nearest university。
4. 僅在需要強調賓語而不是主語的時候,才使用被動語態
例如:In the fall, not only did the cows have to be milked, but also the hay was mowed and stacked by my grandfather's family。
本句不夠簡潔的原因是本句的重心應該是“忙碌的家庭-my grandfather's family”,而使用了被動語態後,彷佛重心變成了cows和hay。下面的表達方式是主動語態,相對來說更簡潔一些:
In the fall, my grandfather's family not only milked the cow but also mowed and stacked the hay。
5. 用更為精確的一個動詞 來代替動詞短語
例如:My grandfather didn't have time to stand around doing nothing with his school friends。
Stand around doing nothing其實可以用一個動詞來表達,即loiter:
My grandfather didn't have time to loiter with his school friends。
6. 有時兩句話的資訊經過組合,完全可以用一句話來簡練地表達
例如:Profits from the farm were not large. Sometimes they were too small to meet the expenses of running a farm. They were not sufficient to pay for a university degree。
Profits from the farm were sometimes too small to meet operational expenses, let alone pay for a university degree。
1. 狀語前置
1*** Like self-awareness,this is also very difficult to achieve,but I think these are the two factors that may be the most important for achieving happiness.
2*** Throughout the century,the largest quantity of water was used for agricultural purposes.
3*** With a population of 176 million,the figures for Brazil indicate how high agricultural water consumption can be in some countries.
1*** Universities,when it is functioning well,should offer both theoretical knowledge as well as professional training.
2*** So overall,I believe that,attending school from a young age is good for most children.
2. 倒裝句
1*** The parents should spend time on their children,they should also communicate with them.
2*** We can never lose sight of the significance of education.
1*** Not only should parents spend time on their children,they are also advised to interact with them.
2*** On no account / by no means / in no way can we lose sight of the significance of education.
3. 強調句
It is… that… / It is… who…正是…導致了
1. It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person‘s personality and dictates how that personality develops.
強調句是考生比較難把握的一種句型,容易和it引導的形式主語相混淆,但其實我們只要找到強調句的一個特點,即去掉It is… that… / It is… who…仍然是一個完整的句子。
中文: 二十世紀末科技的繁榮,人們開始廣泛使用電腦。
1*** witness 句型
The late 20th century witnessed the prosperity in science and technology, thereby giving rise to the wide application of computers.
2*** With結構狀語前置
With the prosperity in science and technology in the late 20th century, the computers were widely applied.
3*** 倒裝句
So flourishing was the science and technology in the late 20th century that computers were widely applied in various fronts.
4*** 強調句型
It was the prosperity in science and technology in the late 20th century that gave rise to the wide application of computers.
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