一、基本規律 ***Basic rules***
1. Indefinite article ***不定冠詞***
我們用 "a , an "當我們不知道他是諸多人或事中的哪一個:
* is one of many. *** 是許多箇中的一個***
He is an artist.***=there are many artists***
* is not unique. ***不是唯一的***
I have just bought a book
* has not been mentioned before. ***之前沒有提到過***
There was a new student in class today.
2. Definite article ***定冠詞***
我們用 "the "當我們知道他是諸多人或事中的哪一個:
* is unique ***or unique in that context*** ***是唯一的***
The Australian Prime Minister. ***=there is only one***
I looked inside, the engine was in a terrible state. ***=there is only one engine, in this case***
* has been mentioned before. ***之前提到過***
The man gave me a ticket. I looked at it, and saw that the ticket was a single.
* is defined by the phrase which follows it. ***要被接下來的短語詳細說明***
What is the new student's name?
3. No articles ***無冠詞***
* using plural or uncountable nouns ***在使用複數或不可數名詞時***
Do you like sport?
* with the names of people or places, but there are many exceptions ***人名和地名的時候不用冠詞,但是地名有許多例外,下文一一介紹***
He is Professor Jones
4. Fixed phrases *** 固定短語***
a few at home at work at the beginning atthe end go to bed
go to the cinemas, shops, station in the world once a week
sixty kilometres an hour the next the other the other day
the same
二 經常發生問題的區域 ***Areas that often cause problems***
1. Jobs ***工作***
如果有許多人做這個工作我們用 a 或 an.:
My husband is an architect. ***=there are many architects***
He is having talks with the French foreign minister***外交部長***. ***=there is only one***
2. Superlative ***最高階***
She is the best person for the job.
3. Last and next
有一些形容詞如 “last” 和 “next ”同時可以用也可以不用定冠詞“the”但是句意會發生變化
I saw James last night. ***=the one before this one***
It is the last night of our holiday. ***=the fanal one***
I will see you next week.***=the one after this one***
4. Institutions: school, prison, university, church, home, hospital
My sister had to stay in hospital overnight.
Our flat is opposite the hospital.
三 在表示時間和地點的短語中用或不用定冠詞 ***phrases of time and place***
1. Phrases of time
Dates: the 25th of December / December the 25th
Parts of the day: in the afternoon, in the evening, in the morning *** but at night, at lunchtime***
Decades or Centuries: the 1980s, the 21st century
Years or Seasons: in 2002, in summer
Months or Days: in August, on Friday, see you tomorrow
2 Place names
國家,大洲,島嶼,洲,省,城市前不加“the”***countries, continents, islands, states, provinces, town, cities***
in Asia, to Sydney from Texas in Turkey in Britain in America
the Netherlands, the UK, the USA, the Arab World ***可以發現國家名作為縮寫的話要加“the”***
North-west Inida, Northern Europe
in the east of the country, in the south of Italy, on the coast
大多數路,街,公園,橋樑,商店,酒店不用加“the”***raods, streets, parks, bridges, shops, restaurants***
Central Park, Oxford Street, Tower Bridge
但是有命名的劇院,電影院,旅館,畫廊,博物館加“the”***names of theatres, cinemas, hotels, galleries, museums***
the Hermitage, the National Theatre, the Odeon, the Ritz
Lake Victoria, Mount Everest
the Atlantic, the Yangtze River, the Himalayas, the Panama Canal
- 英語寫作中冠詞該怎麼用
- 一年級法在我心中手抄報設計
- 大學生艱辛創業成功歷程
- 白手起家創業好專案
- 寫我家鄉的變化高中英語作文範文4篇
- 關於描寫背影的散文精選
- 生產經理個人簡歷參考模板
- 手機提示記憶體不足怎麼解決
- 優秀團員民主評議範文
- 混合性面板用什麼護膚品
- 理所當然的成語接龍和成語解釋
- 感悟人生哲理的英文句子帶翻譯
- 高一班主任工作總結範文
- 舌尖上的美食作文評語
- 公司解散的法律後果與事由
- 名校試卷七年級數學上期末試卷
- 看看女人手相有沒有福氣
- 秋季養生小常識白領養生七不要
- 必修一語文文言文詞類活用總結
- 感恩老師的黑板報插畫
- 康熙字典五行屬金的字
- 康熙字典五行屬木的字
- 康熙字典五行屬水的字
- 康熙字典五行屬火的字
- 康熙字典五行屬土的字