1. 三段論原則
2. 組詞成段原則
列出每段關鍵詞, 每個詞代表一個句子, 然後寫出該詞代表的句子, 最後將句子串成一段。這樣可以儘快使你的思維點連貫起來, 快速成段。
以1992年考題“For a better understanding between parents and child”為例, 介紹一下這種寫作方法:
第一步, 我們要仔細閱讀“outline”, 然後在寫第一段***present situation***的時候會聯想到下列關鍵詞彙:誤會, 誤解——misunderstanding; 理解——understanding; 抱怨——complain; ***父母***過時了——old?fashioned 或者 behind the times; ***向老師或同學***尋求幫助——seek help from...
第二步, 通過這些詞彙我們可以造出句子:
misunderstanding—Nowadays there is often a misunderstanding between parents and children.
understand—Parents find it difficult to control or even understand their children.
complain, old?fashioned—Child complain that their parents are too“old?fashioned”to agree with what their children say and do.
behind the times—Many children often say that his or her parents are just hopelessly behind the times.
seek help from—The children will seek help from their friends or teachers instead of from their parents.
Nowadays there is often a misunderstanding between parents and children.On the one hand, parents find it difficult to control or even understand their children.On the other hand, Children complain that their parents are too“old?fashioned”to agree with what their children say and do.So whenever children are in trouble, they will seek help from their friends or teachers instead of from their parents.
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