Every afternoon during the summer vacation, hundreds of thousands of teenagers pour into Internet bars. They switch on a computer, and indulge themselves in a fantasy world playing games such as World of Warcraft and Counter Strike.
As everyone knows, playing Internet games can do much harm to teenagers if they spend too much time in the virtual world. Firstly, it is an enormous waste of time and teens will have little time for their study. Secondly, those who play video games day and night will be harmed physically for lack of adequate sleep. Thirdly, teenagers’ social ties will suffer as a result of the immersion in the virtual world.
In my opinion, the whole society should pay more attention to this problem, especially the parents and the game industry. Besides, the youth shouldn’t spend too much time, energy or money on the Internet because study is their priority. In conclusion, the youth should make good and proper use of the Internet.
More and more teenage addicts are refusing to leave theirbedroomsand some young adults are playing fantasy games onlineuntil theyliterally drop dead. He didnt adapt very easily intohigh school,said Chu Dong-jiu, whose son, Jae-yun, 17, cruisesfootball websites12 to 14 hours a day. That was why he droppedout. Now he spendsall the time he is not eating on the computer.He hasnt been out ofthe house for eight months.
Eighty per cent of South Koreans have broadband internet,thehighest rate in the world. In Britain the figure is less thanathird. This is partly the result of its intense,science-basedschooling. But according to Dr Kim Hyun-soo, chairmanof theAssociation of Internet Addiction Psychiatrists, aneducationfrenzy has undermined childrens self-confidence andforced themto seek escape elsewhere.
Children, many tutored beyond school, enjoy little freetimeoutside home, driving them into the solitary solace ofthecomputer, he said. What children do on the internet reflectswhatthey want in reality, he said. The dreams they pursue arethedreams they would pursue in ordinary life.
The most common obsession is with online games in whichplayersbecome fantasy figures in landscapes pitted with foesandobstacles. One 28-year-old collapsed and died last yearafterplaying a game non-stop for 50 hours in an internet cafe.Doctorssaid he died from exhaustion and dehydration. Studies showfive percent of gamers are seriously addicted, with a further15-20 percent betraying signs of an unhealthy obsession. Gamersmake up 90per cent of Dr Kims patients, often referred to him bymentalhospitals to which parents had taken their children. Theother 10per cent are guilty of freakish and anti-social behaviouronwebsites. These people are very frustrated inside and fullofanger, he said. joozone
The government has stepped in, banning children frominternetcafes after 10pm, and sending teams of psychologists tovisitthem.
As a product of modem computer and the Internet, online games have won great popularity among people, youngsters in particular. However, some people believe that young people who lack self-discipline can easily get indulged in these games and their health and academic performances are severely affected. This phenomenon can be found on TV reports from time to time, and many teachers and parents have expressed their concerns over this.
However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring people much pleasure and satisfaction, and release their pressure greatly.
From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your life, you'd better give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.
Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.
Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games.
Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying.
At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.
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