英文歌Late Night的節奏適合在打遊戲的時候聽,很好聽的。下面是小編給大家整理的,供大家參閱!
Late Night歌手簡介
Foals是由主唱/吉他手Yannis Philippakis、吉他手Jimmy Smith、貝斯手Walter Gervers、鼓手Jack Bevan、鍵盤手Edwin Congreave這五位20歲出頭年輕小夥子所組成的樂團,在英國家鄉牛津相識,相談甚歡下進而組起樂團來,只因為都未曾創作過舞曲曲風的作品,所以就決定以嘗試此為出發目標,也因為投身創作,就讀牛津大學的Yannis和Edwin不惜休學,其中只有團員Jimmy完成大學學業。
Late Night歌手介紹
要將Foals歸類是一件很難的事,不能說他們是完全承襲哪一種曲風的樂團,團員表示受極微音樂***Minimal Music***大師Steve Reich、Post-rock/Math-rock樂團Sweep The Leg Johnny影響極深,他們幾乎每種風格都全盤接受,也偏愛像賈斯汀、Gwen Stefani等時下流行的歌曲,應該要說他們是個集結以上影響並綜合來自四面八方的元素,包含Techno, Rock, Pop, Punk, Experimental等多種不同型態的風格、五位思想離經叛道的青年,造就曲風光怪陸離、難以定位,卻又難以抗拒的Foals。
Late Night歌詞
Oh, I hoped that you were somebody
Someone I could count
To pull me to my feet again
When I was in doubt
Oh now Mama, do you hear me
Calling out your name?
Oh now Mama, do you hear me
Calling out your name?
Calling out your name?
Now I'm the last cowboy in this town
Empty veins and my plastic broken crown
They said I swam the sea then ran aground
They said I once was lost, but now I'm truly found
And I know the place but not the wave
I feel, I feel no shame
Oh now Mama, do you hear my fear?
It's coming after me!
Calling out your name!
Calling out your name!
Stay with me
Stay with me
Then you threw your heart away
Oh, I know just what to say
Through the phone cord; it can wait
We've still got time to say
And I know you ran away
Oh, I know but I'm feeling okay
But now I found love and the feeling won't go
Now I found love but the feeling won't go!
See you walk away!
Feeling okay, now!
Happy now?
Stay with me!
Stay with me!
Stay with me!
Stay with me!
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